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    शेवरले यूजर रिव्यू

    • V
      vinay khadke on दिसंबर 12, 2024
      शेवरले क्रूज 2012-2014
      Cruze- The Diesel Rocket
      Cruze provides the best driving experience, with great safety and stability. the model has Cruze control powered with 2000CC twin turbo engine, 0-100 in 3sec. the best thing about this car is the safety and power
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    • A
      akshat singh on नवंबर 23, 2024
      शेवरले केमेरो
      I LOVEEE This Carrr
      The engine is just way too good and the looks make me fall in love. The color combination on this thing goes hard, especially the bumblebee one. It's my dream to own one.
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    • R
      ruthwik on अगस्त 08, 2023
      शेवरले अद्रा
      Good Car
      The design of the Adra may not meet everyone's preferences, and there is room for improvement in its interior. Comparatively, its competitors offer better features. As a result, potential buyers might opt for a different vehicle, which could potentially lead to Adra facing challenges in the market.
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    • S
      sweetesh rathod on सितंबर 03, 2021
      शेवरले टवेरा नियो
      Excellent Experience
      A great and very useful car to travel with family. It is also a very comfortable car for long route drives. Safety is an extraordinary thing we get in it. Its mileage is quite ok. But overall it is a very wonderful car. I have driven so many cars, but I feel proud to drive a Chevrolet Tavera car. I love this car.
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    • C
      chittorgarh suresh on जून 04, 2021
      शेवरले टवेरा
      Nice Experience Nice Comfort
      Nice experience, nice comfort, very nice car but not nice sound quality per user
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