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    मारुति सियाज 2014-2017 के स्पेसिफिकेशन

    मारुति सियाज 2014-2017 के स्पेसिफिकेशन

    मारुति सियाज 2014-2017 1 डीजल इंजन और पेट्रोल में उपलब्ध है। यह डीजल इंजन 1248 सीसी while पेट्रोल इंजन 1373 सीसी ऑटोमेटिक & मैनुअल गियरबॉक्स के साथ उपलब्ध है। सियाज 2014-2017 एक 5 सीटर 4 सिलेंडर कार और लम्बाई 4490mm, चौड़ाई 1730mm और व्हीलबेस 2650mm है।

    और देखें
    Rs. 7.24 - 10.52 लाख*
    This model has been discontinued
    *Last recorded price

    मारुति सियाज 2014-2017 के मुख्य स्पेसिफिकेशन

    एआरएआई माइलेज19.12 किमी/लीटर
    सिटी माइलेज15.2 किमी/लीटर
    फ्यूल टाइपपेट्रोल
    इंजन डिस्पलेसमेंट1373 सीसी
    नंबर ऑफ cylinders4
    मैक्सिमम पावर91.1bhp@6000rpm
    अधिकतम टॉर्क130nm@4000rpm
    सीटिंग कैपेसिटी5
    ट्रांसमिशन टाइपऑटोमेटिक
    फ्यूल टैंक क्षमता43 लीटर
    बॉडी टाइपसेडान
    ग्राउंड क्लीयरेंस अनलेडन170 (मिलीमीटर)

    मारुति सियाज 2014-2017 के मुख्य फीचर्स

    पावर स्टीयरिंगYes
    पावर विंडो फ्रंटYes
    एंटी लॉक ब्रेकिंग सिस्टम system (abs)Yes
    एयर कंडीशनYes
    ड्राइवर एयरबैगYes
    पैसेंजर एयरबैगYes
    ऑटोमेटिक क्लाइमेट कंट्रोलYes
    फॉग लाइट्स - फ्रंटYes
    अलॉय व्हीलYes

    मारुति सियाज 2014-2017 के स्पेसिफिकेशन

    इंजन और ट्रांसमिशन

    इंजन टाइप
    space Image
    k14b vvt इंजन
    space Image
    1373 सीसी
    मैक्सिमम पावर
    space Image
    अधिकतम टॉर्क
    space Image
    नंबर ऑफ cylinders
    space Image
    वॉल्व प्रति सिलेंडर
    space Image
    वाल्व कॉन्फ़िगरेशन
    space Image
    फ्यूल सप्लाई सिस्टम
    space Image
    टर्बो चार्जर
    space Image
    सुपर चार्ज
    space Image
    ट्रांसमिशन टाइपऑटोमेटिक
    space Image
    4 स्पीड
    ड्राइव टाइप
    space Image
    फ्रंट व्हील ड्राइव
    गलत विवरण की रिपोर्ट करें

    फ्यूल और परफॉर्मेंस

    फ्यूल टाइपपेट्रोल
    पेट्रोल माइलेज एआरएआई19.12 किमी/लीटर
    पेट्रोल फ्यूल टैंक क्षमता
    space Image
    43 लीटर
    एमिशन नॉर्म्स कंप्लायंस
    space Image
    bs आइवी
    top स्पीड
    space Image
    190 किलोमीटर प्रति घंटे
    गलत विवरण की रिपोर्ट करें

    सस्पेंशन, स्टीयरिंग और ब्रेक्स

    फ्रंट सस्पेंशन
    space Image
    मैकफर्सन स्ट्रट
    रियर सस्पेंशन
    space Image
    टॉरिसन बीम
    स्टीयरिंग टाइप
    space Image
    स्टीयरिंग कॉलम
    space Image
    टिल्ट स्टीयरिंग
    स्टीयरिंग गियर टाइप
    space Image
    रैक एन्ड पिनियन
    टर्निंग रेडियस
    space Image
    5.4 meters
    फ्रंट ब्रेक टाइप
    space Image
    वेंटिलेटेड डिस्क
    रियर ब्रेक टाइप
    space Image
    space Image
    14 सेकंड्स
    0-100 किलोमीटर प्रति घंटा
    space Image
    14 सेकंड्स
    गलत विवरण की रिपोर्ट करें

    डायमेंशन और क्षमता

    space Image
    4490 (मिलीमीटर)
    space Image
    1730 (मिलीमीटर)
    space Image
    1485 (मिलीमीटर)
    सीटिंग कैपेसिटी
    space Image
    ग्राउंड क्लीयरेंस अनलेडन
    space Image
    170 (मिलीमीटर)
    व्हील बेस
    space Image
    2650 (मिलीमीटर)
    फ्रंट tread
    space Image
    1495 (मिलीमीटर)
    रियर tread
    space Image
    1505 (मिलीमीटर)
    कर्ब वेट
    space Image
    1030 kg
    कुल भार
    space Image
    1490 kg
    नंबर ऑफ doors
    space Image
    गलत विवरण की रिपोर्ट करें


    पावर स्टीयरिंग
    space Image
    एयर कंडीशन
    space Image
    space Image
    एडजस्टेबल स्टीयरिंग
    space Image
    हाइट एडजस्टेबल ड्राइवर सीट
    space Image
    इलेक्ट्रिक एडजस्टेबल सीट
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    ऑटोमेटिक क्लाइमेट कंट्रोल
    space Image
    एयर क्वालिटी कंट्रोल
    space Image
    रिमोट ट्रंक ओपनर
    space Image
    रिमोट फ्यूल-लिड ओपनर
    space Image
    लो फ्यूल वॉर्निंग लाइट
    space Image
    एसेसरीज पावर आउटलेट
    space Image
    ट्रंक लाइट
    space Image
    वैनिटी मिरर
    space Image
    रियर रीडिंग लैंप
    space Image
    रियर सीट हेडरेस्ट
    space Image
    रियर सीट सेंटर आर्म रेस्ट
    space Image
    हाइट एडजस्टेबल फ्रंट सीटबेल्ट
    space Image
    रियर एसी वेंट
    space Image
    lumbar support
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    क्रूज कंट्रोल
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    पार्किंग सेंसर
    space Image
    नेविगेशन system
    space Image
    फोल्डेबल रियर सीट
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    स्मार्ट एक्सेस कार्ड एंट्री
    space Image
    की-लेस एंट्री
    space Image
    इंजन स्टार्ट/स्टॉप बटन
    space Image
    cooled glovebox
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    voice commands
    space Image
    paddle shifters
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    ऑटोमेटिक हेडलैंप्स
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    फॉलो मी होम हेडलैंप्स
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    गलत विवरण की रिपोर्ट करें


    space Image
    इलेक्ट्रॉनिक मल्टी ट्रिपमीटर
    space Image
    लैदर सीट
    space Image
    fabric अपहोल्स्ट्री
    space Image
    leather wrapped स्टीयरिंग व्हील
    space Image
    glove बॉक्स
    space Image
    डिजिटल क्लॉक
    space Image
    आउटसाइड टेम्परेचर डिस्प्ले
    space Image
    सिगरेट लाइटर
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    डिजिटल ओडोमीटर
    space Image
    ड्राइविंग एक्सपीरियंस कंट्रोल इको
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    फोल्डिंग टेबल - रियर
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    गलत विवरण की रिपोर्ट करें


    एडजस्टेबल headlamps
    space Image
    फॉग लाइट्स - फ्रंट
    space Image
    फॉग लाइट्स - पीछे
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    रेन सेंसिंग वाइपर
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    रियर विंडो वाइपर
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    रियर विंडो वॉशर
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    रियर विंडो डिफॉगर
    space Image
    व्हील कवर्स
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    अलॉय व्हील
    space Image
    पावर एंटीना
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    रंगीन ग्लास
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    रियर स्पॉइलर
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    रूफ कैरियर
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    साइड स्टेपर
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    आउटसाइड रियर व्यू मिरर टर्न इंडिकेटर्स
    space Image
    integrated एंटीना
    space Image
    क्रोम ग्रिल
    space Image
    क्रोम गार्निश
    space Image
    स्मोक हेडलैंप
    space Image
    roof rails
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    अलॉय व्हील साइज
    space Image
    16 inch
    टायर साइज
    space Image
    195/55 r16
    टायर टाइप
    space Image
    ट्यूबलेस, रेडियल
    गलत विवरण की रिपोर्ट करें


    एंटी लॉक ब्रेकिंग सिस्टम system (abs)
    space Image
    ब्रेक असिस्ट
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    सेंट्रल लॉकिंग
    space Image
    पावर डोर लॉक्स
    space Image
    चाइल्ड सेफ्टी लॉक
    space Image
    एंटी-थेफ्ट अलार्म
    space Image
    ड्राइवर एयरबैग
    space Image
    पैसेंजर एयरबैग
    space Image
    side airbag
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    साइड एयरबैग-रियर
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    डे एंड नाइट रियर व्यू मिरर
    space Image
    पैसेंजर साइड रियर व्यू मिरर
    space Image
    ज़ेनॉन हैडलैंप
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    रियर सीट बेल्ट
    space Image
    सीट बेल्ट वार्निंग
    space Image
    डोर अजार वार्निंग
    space Image
    साइड इम्पैक्ट बीम
    space Image
    फ्रंट इंपेक्ट बीम
    space Image
    ट्रैक्शन कंट्रोल
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    एडजस्टेबल सीट
    space Image
    टायर प्रेशर monitoring system (tpms)
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    व्हीकल स्टेबिलिटी कंट्रोल सिस्टम
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    इंजन इम्मोबिलाइज़र
    space Image
    क्रैश सेंसर
    space Image
    सेंट्रली माउंटेड फ्यूल टैंक
    space Image
    इंजन चेक वार्निंग
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    क्लच लॉक
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    space Image
    रियर कैमरा
    space Image
    एंटी-थेफ्ट डिवाइस
    space Image
    गलत विवरण की रिपोर्ट करें

    एंटरटेनमेंट और कम्युनिकेशन

    space Image
    ऑडियो सिस्टम रिमोट कंट्रोल
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    इंटीग्रेटेड 2-डिन ऑडियो
    space Image
    यूएसबी एन्ड ऑक्सीलियरी इनपुट
    space Image
    ब्लूटूथ कनेक्टिविटी
    space Image
    space Image
    गलत विवरण की रिपोर्ट करें

      Compare variants of मारुति सियाज 2014-2017

      • पेट्रोल
      • डीजल
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.7,23,808*ईएमआई: Rs.15,499
        20.73 किमी/लीटरमैनुअल
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.7,53,024*ईएमआई: Rs.16,099
        20.73 किमी/लीटरमैनुअल
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.7,70,568*ईएमआई: Rs.16,467
        20.73 किमी/लीटरमैनुअल
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.8,12,003*ईएमआई: Rs.17,352
        20.73 किमी/लीटरमैनुअल
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.8,77,533*ईएमआई: Rs.18,738
        20.73 किमी/लीटरमैनुअल
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.8,81,507*ईएमआई: Rs.18,810
        20.73 किमी/लीटरमैनुअल
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.9,20,000*ईएमआई: Rs.19,626
        20.73 किमी/लीटरमैनुअल
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.9,28,615*ईएमआई: Rs.19,807
        19.12 किमी/लीटरऑटोमेटिक
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.9,33,775*ईएमआई: Rs.19,906
        20.73 किमी/लीटरमैनुअल
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.9,94,145*ईएमआई: Rs.21,193
        19.12 किमी/लीटरऑटोमेटिक
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.10,52,396*ईएमआई: Rs.23,214
        19.12 किमी/लीटरऑटोमेटिक
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.7,68,143*ईएमआई: Rs.16,673
        28.09 किमी/लीटरमैनुअल
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.7,81,676*ईएमआई: Rs.16,974
        28.09 किमी/लीटरमैनुअल
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.8,22,743*ईएमआई: Rs.17,845
        28.09 किमी/लीटरमैनुअल
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.8,31,711*ईएमआई: Rs.18,037
        26.21 किमी/लीटरमैनुअल
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.8,89,010*ईएमआई: Rs.19,272
        28.09 किमी/लीटरमैनुअल
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.8,92,031*ईएमआई: Rs.19,323
        26.21 किमी/लीटरमैनुअल
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.9,49,676*ईएमआई: Rs.20,567
        28.09 किमी/लीटरमैनुअल
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.9,76,298*ईएमआई: Rs.21,136
        26.21 किमी/लीटरमैनुअल
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.10,05,852*ईएमआई: Rs.22,680
        26.21 किमी/लीटरमैनुअल
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.10,28,000*ईएमआई: Rs.23,166
        28.09 किमी/लीटरमैनुअल
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.10,37,957*ईएमआई: Rs.23,391
        26.21 किमी/लीटरमैनुअल

      मारुति सियाज 2014-2017 के कंफर्ट यूज़र रिव्यू

      पर बेस्ड72 यूजर रिव्यू
      पॉपुलर Mentions
      • All (72)
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      • नई
      • उपयोगी
      • R
        rajat on Mar 28, 2025
        और देखें
      • V
        vijay on Mar 09, 2017
        Nice car
        I have ZXi+ (top end petrol manual txn) version and used it for seven months now. Pros Very attractive look and design Spacious KPL is 17.1. Using more on highways and less in city. Using Ac. Soft controls and all required comforts. It gives a luxury feeling to be in and to drive. Big wheels and very good ground clearance. Good for Indian roads. Infotainment system is very good. Cons Pick up and acceleration is slow. Overall it is a good car. Luxury feel, high kpl and thus economical. Service is outstanding. It may not enthuse a racer but more than enough for all.
        और देखें
        5 2
      • S
        samit on Jan 30, 2017
        15K Ciaz petrol Review
        Here to Share my 15000 Kms drive Review. Start with new Caiz Vxi+ 10 month back. Royal looks and Spacious exterior and Great Mileage. Pros Interiors > AC works well in both summers & winters > Front AC & Rear AC function is very good for winters makes your way to clear view > Seats are very comfortable for long journey Pros Exterior > Royal Look with great features > Sensors worked well Pros Engine > Average of 15KM per liter in city and 17 Km per lts in highway > No sound of engine I traveled from short distance to long distance with great comfort even in bad roads with smooth roads it drive like a star. Make you feel royal also Music system is awesome with great sound and features Bluetooth for mobile easy to connect and use which make your travel easier Boot space suit needs to travel for long journey. Cons > Back Bumper is very light and even slow hit can make it dented. > Yellow color presist from doors down specially in white color which agencies said it by default for all cars. Thanks
        और देखें
        6 1
      • N
        neeraj khatana on Jan 13, 2017
        Ciaz review
        Good car, average better ,Exterior Interior (Features, Space & Comfort) It's good in this price range quality of interior is good Engine Performance, Fuel Economy and...every things is fine but over car body is not much heavy. and as long route drive easy but Ride Quality & Handling POOR. Areas of improvement Suspension. can say paisa wasool car :)
        और देखें
      • P
        parveen sahrawat on Jan 12, 2017
        Maruti Car: a dream comes true of poor people
        I'm a big fan of all maruti car models. We never purchased any car model except Maruti. Our first car was Maruti 800, which we purchase in 1997 and whole family was happy for this small car. at that time it was a big dream to buy this car for a middle class family. which come true with maruti 800. After that we purchase Maruti Alto Lx, the best car in my life I've seen for middle class family. It was a complete car with all minimum features like stereo system, music system, AC etc. Even its look was too attractive. After growing we come in bushiness and started thinking about purchasing a car which suit business profession. So in delhi at Pacific mall, subhash nagar we see maruti ciaz model and at first look we become fan of this car.We went to showroom and took a close look at Maruti Ciaz. I liked the looks and interiors; better than SX4 and Ciaz and replace to SX4. And later we decided to buy this car. Every body at family loving this car. Maruti Ciaz is most confident. The suspension is supple and makes the ride quite comfortable. Love riding of this car.Brilliant handeling.. complete control in case you meet a dead end on the road and for sharp turns along the curves to. I've tried for driving in the mountains area. Stood out while driving on a gravel street Never made it feel like a sedan and it felt more like an SUV. Its a professional car and during riding feeling is like a sports car only because of its searing and big size tyres. Car absorbs all the potholes and bump so smoothly. Much better than other car. Second thing its a low maintenance as compared to others. The Ciaz is a comfortable family sedan. And it is a proper one from Maruti. ABS, airbags, parking sensors with reversing camera, a top-notch multimedia system, 16-inch alloy wheels are all there in the top variant as most of these features are now considered standard for a car this size. I'll request to Maruti that all these features should be in lower variants. This may put off a lot of buyers from the lower variants. Anyways this is the first Maruti Car design which has been aerodynamically designed.Quite happy with exterior looks. Excellent features with the closeure of the center panel leaving all your USB cables inside a small box for a neat finish. Excellent space for long jurney. And best feature is that you can connect your mobile to the system for car via bluetooth. So while driving you not need to take mobile in hand, just connect via Bluetooth and start talking. The boot space for driver and also the Leg room for rear seaters are the best . I can stretch my keg to the fullest and feel like a royal king. The utiliy and storage space inside the cabin is very good and neatly designed so now don't worry high packing. It was worth waiting for it and really enjoy Ciaz car driving. If you a need a professional pure C Segment Sedan Experience just go ahead with Ciaz
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        rajvinder on Jan 11, 2017
        Value for money product
        L'm using ciaz zxi since nov.2014 till now everything good in its class with class leading interior space and comfort accept one thing which is it's build by very thin sheet almost paper like but this is not only for ciaz all suzuki car have this issue they using very poor quality sake of technological advantage.....as far as is mileage concern i'm getting 16-17 kmpl in combined highway and city driving..... where could be better -staring wheel and some switches not class leading.....
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        manas rawat on Jan 11, 2017
        Maruti Suzuki Ciaz car is good. And it is in affordable price mileage is fabulous Styling is good. But not have cooled glove box bigger than honda city but engine of ciaz and ertiga is same 1248 cc. But car is smart hyrid and you can drive in delhi in odd or even on both in india. Some car only whose engine are hyrid the tyre of the car is big. Interior the Ciaz is a comfortable family sedan. And it is a proper one from Maruti Suzuki not one derived from a hatchback or a SUV. It has a big car feel both inside out. It cannot bring out the racer in you but is confident to tackle our typical highway journeys. The ride is supple and has enough features to keep you company when not driving. It may not be as flashy as the concept but you can't help but agree it does come across as sensible
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        rituraj borah on Jan 11, 2017
        Perfect Luxury Sedan above 4mtr Category
        From 1993 we are using different models of Cars manufactured by Maruti Company. 1st one was a Maruti 800cc Car, which bought by my father and it was a 2nd hand car. Without any complain till 2003,But during the period in 2000 we purchased Maruti Zen Lxi. Zen was a car of that period one of the best car available in the market even after launching other car manufacturers models with new technology Zen was still competing with others,but to go with technology Zen also upgraded with but new models of other company's are coming to the market with new looks and shapes according to the advanced technology of the industry. Maruti also tried to changing the looks of the Zen, but failed to capture market. Same time in the development process and customers demand Sedan category cars started with Maruti also introduced their 2nd sedan model car after Maruti 1000 was Esteem. Seeing the potentiality all major car manufacturer entered with their models. One of the most successful model by Maruti is Swift Hatchback and Swift Dezire in under 4mtr segment and still a very popular and highest selling car. Among many other models of Maruti launches its above 4mtr Luxury Sedan Ciaz. 3 months back after doing lot of recherche of the category available in the market. At present in the segment lot of models are there of other manufa cturer, Few of those look is good but price is too high and other features are same of Ciaz in few even better. All model of this segment are comparably few are better look wise,Some are with power, etc. But Ciaz comparing to all by comfort wise may not in the top but in next position Ciaz, same way comparing all if i give ratings on10point scale, Ciaz leading with 9 point and in next position cars point i found 6. There was no any car with 7 or 8 point. Experiencing the Ciaz, think its a going to be a successful Car like Maruti 800, Alto,Wagon-R,Swift Hatchback, Also its going to be a car like the legendary model of Maruti compay Zen, Esteem and Swift Dezire. Presently Ciaz is the best Sedan Car compering all others of the segment for Price, Looks, safety, all other features and beatable fuel economy and for Indian roads, Customers pocket friendly running and maintenance coast, i don't think any other model is available in the market can beat Ciaz...Hats of to Maruti Company for understanding customer with their experience of Indian market, which make them successful giving cars makes history with their legendary model cars able to capture a place at Hall of Fame and Ciaz also is a car of Hall of Fame quality...that's all
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