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    होंडा ब्रियो फोटो

    होंडा ब्रियो फोटो

    होंडा ब्रियो की फोटो गैलरी देखें.ब्रियो की 105 फोटोज़ और 360 व्यू उपलब्ध हैं. ब्रियो की फ्रंट से लेकर रियर,साइड से लेकर टॉप तक की सभी तस्वीरें देखें.इसके अलावा होंडा ब्रियो में 6 कलर के ऑप्शंस में उपलब्ध हैं।

    और देखें
    Rs. 4.73 - 6.82 लाख*
    This model has been discontinued
    *Last recorded price
    • सभी
    • एक्सटीरियर
    • इंटीरियर
    • 360 व्यू
    • कलर
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द होंडा ब्रियो has been on sale भारत में since 2011. it आईएस द most affordable offering from होंडा in द indian market. द japanese carmaker लेटेस्ट लॉन्च ए midlife फेसलिफ्ट ऑफ द ब्रियो in 2016. as part ऑफ this update, द हैचबैक received ए few revisions on द outside, ए न्यू dashboard, और ए few feature additions, while remaining mechanically unchanged.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द ब्रियो आईएस ए fairly small कार, which makes it an ideal सिटी commuter. it आईएस 3610mm, long, 1680mm, wide, और measures 1500mm, in terms ऑफ height. it has ए 2345mm, long व्हीलबेस, while द kerb weight ranges from 920kg से 970kg, depending on द powertrain और variant configuration.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द ब्रियो आईएस available in three वेरिएंट, सभी ऑफ which are powered by ए 1.2-litre पेट्रोल engine. द इंजन can be had with either ए 5-स्पीड मैनुअल gearbox और ए 5-स्पीड at.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  फ्रंट एन्ड ऑफ द ब्रियो हैचबैक आईएस dominated by ए wide gloss ब्लैक bar connecting द two headlamps, with ए subtle क्रोम detailing on द लोअर edge ऑफ द grille. this layout आईएस स्टैंडर्ड on सभी variants. द फ्रंट number plate आईएस located just below द grille area. as part ऑफ द midlife फेसलिफ्ट, द ब्रियो has received ए अधिक aggressive design for द फ्रंट bumper, which makes द कार look ए lot sportier than द pre-facelift version.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द रियर आईएस वन एरिया ऑफ द होंडा brioâ??s design which can polarise opinions. द large bumper एरिया does help in adding some visual mass से द carâ??s look, but द all-glass हैच might be an eyesore for ए few customers.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  circular फॉग लाइट्स are located on द एक्सट्रीम corners ऑफ द फ्रंट bumper in large ब्लैक housings. they are available only on द top-end वीएक्स trim.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  petal shaped headlights get ए smoked look. sadly, there are नहीं projectors और led daytime running lamps (drls) on offer in any variant.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  taillights are triangular in shape और are located on either side ऑफ द intersection ऑफ द टेलगेट और रियर bumper. द clusters on each side get ए stop lamp, turn indicator और reversing light.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  outside रियर view mirrors (orvms) are बॉडी कलर्ड on द एस और वीएक्स trims, while द entry-level ई trim gets ब्लैक units. however, integrated turn indicators are available only on द top-spec वीएक्स trim.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द exhaust tail pipe juts out from under ए cutout on द रियर bumper. ए अधिक tasteful way ऑफ hiding it away from sight would have been अधिक appealing.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  from द side, द ब्रियो हैचबैक might polarize opinions ऑफ potential customers. while द front-end gets significant visual bulk, द रियर एन्ड gets ए chopped-off look that makes द �कार look ए bit disproportionate. द b-pillar आईएस blacked out on द एस और वीएक्स trims.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द ब्रियो वीएक्स trim gets 14-inch अलॉय व्हील that are wrapped in 175/65 section tyres. meanwhile, लोअर वेरिएंट come with similarly sized steel rims.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द लोअर part ऑफ द glass आईएस covered in ब्लैक film in order से hide द contents ऑफ द boot. ए होंडा logo आईएस placed in द middle ऑफ द blacked out एरिया, just ऊपर द boot handle.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द रियर number plate आईएस located in ए recessed एरिया in द centre ऑफ द bumper.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द रेंज topping वीएक्स trim ऑफ द ब्रियो हैचबैक comes with ए रियर spoiler that houses द led हाई mount stop lamp.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  होंडा कारें इंडिया आईएस offering द ब्रियो in four colour options â?? rallye रेड, alabaster सिल्वर, व्हाइट ऑर्��चिड पर्ल, और modern steel metallic.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द होंडा ब्रियो आईएस available with an all-black इंटीरियर 27,स्कीम on द top-end वीएक्स trim. द dashboard gets some क्रोम, सिल्वर और piano ब्लैक inserts for added detailing. लोअर वेरिएंट come with ए ब्लैक और बेज layout instead.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द three-spoke स्टीयरिंग व्हील gets सिल्वर plastic inserts on एस और वीएक्स variants. though द व्हील does get thumb contours, it स्टाइलिंग से ��जुड़े slightly outdated, especially in comparison से other कारें in this segment.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  स्टीयरिंग mounted audio controls are availablsteering mounted buttons ई on द एस और ऊपर trims. only द left spoke gets द buttons, while द right spoke आईएस plain plastic.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द instrument cluster includes three pods. द largest pod in द centre houses द स्पीडोमीटर, द left pod gets ए tachometer, while द right pod includes an analogue फ्यूल gauge. there आईएस also ए small मिड screen located on द लोअर edge ऑफ द स्पीडोमीटर pod.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द ब्रियो doesnâ??t get ऑटोमेटिक क्लाइमेट कंट्रोल (acc) on any variant. however, द एसी console has been designed से look like it आईएस an acc unit. it gets ए digital screen in द middle with push-type buttons around it. द slider control for air flow does look ए bit outdated though.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  ए couple ऑफ cup holders are located ahead ऑफ द gear lever.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द ब्रियो gets ए 5-स्पीड gearbox as स्टैंडर्ड with द 1.2-litre पेट्रोल engine. there आईएस also ए 5-स्पीड ऑटोमेटिक gearbox on offer in द top-end वीएक्स trim.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  except द base-spec ई trim level, सभी other वेरिएंट ऑफ द होंडा ब्रियो come with ए 2-din infotainment system that supports am/fm, यूएसबी, mp3 और aux-in inputs. it also ऑफर ब्लूटूथ कनेक्टिविटी और hands free टेलीफोन functionality.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द textured panel just ऊपर द glovebox adds ए hint ऑफ premiumness से द dashboard.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  फ्रंट पावर विंडोज are स्टैंडर्ड on सभी वेरिएंट ऑफ द ब्रियो, while द एस और ऊपर trims come with रियर पावर विंडोज as well. द एस
    • होंडा ब्रियो  ड्राइवर seat belt reminder आईएस स्टैंडर्ड on सभी variants. फ्रंट seat belt pretensioner with load limiter आईएस available as an option on द एस variant, but आईएस स्टैंडर्ड on द वीएक्स trim.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द ब्रियो आईएस available with dual एयर बैग as स्टैंडर्ड on द top ऑफ द line वीएक्स trim, और as an option on द एस trim. एंटी लॉक ब्रेकिंग सिस्टम system (abs) with इलेक्ट्रोनिक brake फोर्स distribution (ebd) आईएस available only on द वीएक्स variants.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  outside रियर view mirrors (orvms) can be electronically adjusted on द एस और ऊपर trims. however, पावर फोल्डेबल orvms with integrated turn indicators are limited से द वीएक्स trim only.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  except द base-spec ई trim, सभी higher वेरिएंट ऑफ द ब्रियो come with keyless entry.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  both फ्रंट और रियर सीटें come with integrated headrests. एडजस्टेबल headrests would have been अधिक useful as they provide apt support for occupants ऑफ varied heights. also notice how thin द फ्रंट सीटें are, which help in liberating अधिक knee room for द रियर occupants.
    • होंडा ब्रियो डोर view ऑफ ड्राइवर seat image
    • होंडा ब्रियो  pedals in द footwell are aptly spaced. seen here आईएस द arrangement available on द ब्रियो ऑटोमेटिक, thus द missing clutch pedal.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  pictured here are द एसी vents which get ए brushed सिल्वर detailing on द लोअर edge.
    • होंडा ब्�रियो  द रियर seat आईएस बेस्ट suited for two full sized adults. fitting in ए तीसरा occupant can be ए bit ऑफ ए स्क्वीज़, thanks से द कारें narrow width.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  एस और वीएक्स trims come with 4 speakers, with 1 mounted on each door.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द glovebox आईएस aptly sized but lacks cooling functionality, something that आईएस seen on many कारें in this कीमत range.
    • होंडा ब��्रियो  pedals in द footwell are aptly spaced. seen here आईएस द arrangement available on द ब्रियो ऑटोमेटिक, thus द missing clutch pedal.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द होंडा ब्रियो has been on sale भारत में since 2011. it आईएस द most affordable offering from होंडा in द indian market. द japanese carmaker लेटेस्ट लॉन्च ए midlife फेसलिफ्ट ऑफ द ब्रियो in 2016. as part ऑफ this update, द हैचबैक received ए few revisions on द outside, ए न्यू dashboard, और ए few feature additions, while remaining mechanically unchanged.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द ब्रियो आईएस ए fairly small कार, which makes it an ideal सिटी commuter. it आईएस 3610mm, long, 1680mm, wide, और measures 1500mm, in terms ऑफ height. it has ए 2345mm, long व्हीलबेस, while द kerb weight ranges from 920kg से 970kg, depending on द powertrain और variant configuration.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द ब्रियो आईएस available in three वेरिएंट, सभी ऑफ which are powered by ए 1.2-litre पेट्रोल engine. द इंजन can be had with either ए 5-स्पीड मैनुअल gearbox और ए 5-स्पीड at.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  फ्रंट एन्ड ऑफ द ब्रियो हैचबैक आईएस dominated by ए wide gloss ब्लैक bar connecting द two headlamps, with ए subtle क्रोम detailing on द लोअर edge ऑफ द grille. this layout आईएस स्टैंडर्ड on सभी variants. द फ्रंट number plate आईएस located just below द grille area. as part ऑफ द midlife फेसलिफ्ट, द ब्रियो has received ए अधिक aggressive design for द फ्रंट bumper, which makes द कार look ए lot sportier than द pre-facelift version.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द रियर आईएस वन एरिया ऑफ द होंडा brioâ??s design which can polarise opinions. द large bumper एरिया does help in adding some visual mass से द carâ??s look, but द all-glass हैच might be an eyesore for ए few customers.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  circular फॉग लाइट्स are located on द एक्सट्रीम corners ऑफ द फ्रंट bumper in large ब्लैक housings. they are available only on द top-end वीएक्स trim.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  petal shaped headlights get ए smoked look. sadly, there are नहीं projectors और led daytime running lamps (drls) on offer in any variant.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  taillights are triangular in shape और are located on either side ऑफ द intersection ऑफ द टेलगेट और रियर bumper. द clusters on each side get ए stop lamp, turn indicator और reversing light.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  outside रियर view mirrors (orvms) are बॉडी कलर्ड on द एस और वीएक्स trims, while द entry-level ई trim gets ब्लैक units. however, integrated turn indicators are available only on द top-spec वीएक्स trim.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द exhaust tail pipe juts out from under ए cutout on द रियर bumper. ए अधिक tasteful way ऑफ hiding it away from sight would have been अधिक appealing.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  from द side, द ब्रियो हैचबैक might polarize opinions ऑफ potential customers. while द front-end gets significant visual bulk, द रियर एन्ड gets ए chopped-off look that makes द कार look ए bit disproportionate. द b-pillar आईएस blacked out on द एस और वीएक्स trims.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द ब्रियो वीएक्स trim gets 14-inch अलॉय व्हील that are wrapped in 175/65 section tyres. meanwhile, लोअर वेरिएंट come with similarly sized steel rims.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द लोअर part ऑफ द glass आईएस covered in ब्लैक film in order से hide द contents ऑफ द boot. ए होंडा logo आईएस placed in द middle ऑफ द blacked out एरिया, just ऊपर द boot handle.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द रियर number plate आईएस located in ए recessed एरिया in द centre ऑफ द bumper.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द रेंज topping वीएक्स trim ऑफ द ब्रियो हैचबैक comes with ए रियर spoiler that houses द led हाई mount stop lamp.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  होंडा कारें इंडिया आईएस offering द ब्रियो in four colour options â?? rallye रेड, alabaster सिल्वर, व्हाइट ऑर्चिड पर्ल, और modern steel metallic.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द होंडा ब्रियो आईएस available with an all-black इंटीरियर 27,स्कीम on द top-end वीएक्स trim. द dashboard gets some क्रोम, सिल्वर और piano ब्लैक inserts for added detailing. लोअर वेरिएंट come with ए ब्लैक और बेज layout instead.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द three-spoke स्टीयरिंग व्हील gets सिल्वर plastic inserts on एस और वीएक्स variants. though द व्हील does get thumb contours, it स्टाइलिंग से जुड़े slightly outdated, especially in comparison से other कारें in this segment.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  स्टीयरिंग mounted audio controls are availablsteering mounted buttons ई on द एस और ऊपर trims. only द left spoke gets द buttons, while द right spoke आईएस plain plastic.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द instrument cluster includes three pods. द largest pod in द centre houses द स्पीडोमीटर, द left pod gets ए tachometer, while द right pod includes an analogue फ्यूल gauge. there आईएस also ए small मिड screen located on द लोअर edge ऑफ द स्पीडोमीटर pod.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द ब्रियो doesnâ??t get ऑटोमेटिक क्लाइमेट कंट्रोल (acc) on any variant. however, द एसी console has been designed से look like it आईएस an acc unit. it gets ए digital screen in द middle with push-type buttons around it. द slider control for air flow does look ए bit outdated though.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  ए couple ऑफ cup holders are located ahead ऑफ द gear lever.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द ब्रियो gets ए 5-स्पीड gearbox as स्टैंडर्ड with द 1.2-litre पेट्रोल engine. there आईएस also ए 5-स्पीड ऑटोमेटिक gearbox on offer in द top-end वीएक्स trim.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  except द base-spec ई trim level, सभी other वेरिएंट ऑफ द होंडा ब्रियो come with ए 2-din infotainment system that supports am/fm, यूएसबी, mp3 और aux-in inputs. it also ऑफर ब्लूटूथ कनेक्टिविटी और hands free टेलीफोन functionality.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द textured panel just ऊपर द glovebox adds ए hint ऑफ premiumness से द dashboard.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  फ्रंट पावर विंडोज are स्टैंडर्ड on सभी वेरिएंट ऑफ द ब्रियो, while द एस और ऊपर trims come with रियर पावर विंडोज as well. द एस
    • होंडा ब्रियो  ड्राइवर seat belt reminder आईएस स्टैंडर्ड on सभी variants. फ्रंट seat belt pretensioner with load limiter आईएस available as an option on द एस variant, but आईएस स्टैंडर्ड on द वीएक्स trim.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द ब्रियो आईएस available with dual एयर बैग as स्टैंडर्ड on द top ऑफ द line वीएक्स trim, और as an option on द एस trim. एंटी लॉक ब्रेकिंग सिस्टम system (abs) with इलेक्ट्रोनिक brake फोर्स distribution (ebd) आईएस available only on द वीएक्स variants.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  outside रियर view mirrors (orvms) can be electronically adjusted on द एस और ऊपर trims. however, पावर फोल्डेबल orvms with integrated turn indicators are limited से द वीएक्स trim only.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  except द base-spec ई trim, सभी higher वेरिएंट ऑफ द ब्रियो come with keyless entry.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  both फ्रंट और रियर सीटें come with integrated headrests. एडजस्ट�ेबल headrests would have been अधिक useful as they provide apt support for occupants ऑफ varied heights. also notice how thin द फ्रंट सीटें are, which help in liberating अधिक knee room for द रियर occupants.
    • होंडा ब्रियो डोर view ऑफ ड्राइवर seat image
    • होंडा ब्रियो  pedals in द footwell are aptly spaced. seen here आईएस द arrangement available on द ब्रियो ऑटोमेटिक, thus द missing clutch pedal.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  pictured here are द एसी vents which get ए brushed सिल्वर detailing on द लोअर edge.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द रियर seat आईएस बेस्ट suited for two full sized adults. fitting in ए तीसरा occupant can be ए bit ऑफ ए स्क्वीज़, thanks से द कारें narrow width.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  एस और वीएक्स trims come with 4 speakers, with 1 mounted on each door.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द glovebox आईएस aptly sized but lacks cooling functionality, something that आईएस seen on many कारें in this कीमत range.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  pedals in द footwell are aptly spaced. seen here आईएस द arrangement available on द ब्रियो ऑटोमेटिक, thus द missing clutch pedal.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द होंडा ब्रियो has been on sale भारत में since 2011. it आईएस द most affordable offering from होंडा in द indian market. द japanese carmaker लेटेस्ट लॉन्च ए midlife फेसलिफ्ट ऑफ द ब्रियो in 2016. as part ऑफ this update, द हैचबैक received ए few revisions on �द outside, ए न्यू dashboard, और ए few feature additions, while remaining mechanically unchanged.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द ब्रियो आईएस ए fairly small कार, which makes it an ideal सिटी commuter. it आईएस 3610mm, long, 1680mm, wide, और measures 1500mm, in terms ऑफ height. it has ए 2345mm, long व्हीलबेस, while द kerb weight ranges from 920kg से 970kg, depending on द powertrain और variant configuration.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द ब्रियो आईएस available in three वेरिएंट, सभी ऑफ which are powered by ए 1.2-litre पेट्रोल engine. द इंजन can be had with either ए 5-स्पीड मैनुअल gearbox और ए 5-स्पीड at.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  फ्रंट एन्ड ऑफ द ब्रियो हैचबैक आईएस dominated by ए wide gloss ब्लैक bar connecting द two headlamps, with ए subtle क्रोम detailing on द लोअर edge ऑफ द grille. this layout आईएस स्टैंडर्ड on सभी variants. द फ्रंट number plate आईएस located just below द grille area. as part ऑफ द midlife फेसलिफ्ट, द ब्रियो has received ए अधिक aggressive design for द फ्रंट bumper, which makes द कार look ए lot sportier than द pre-facelift version.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द रियर आईएस वन एरिया ऑफ द होंडा brioâ??s design which can polarise opinions. द large bumper एरिया does help in adding some visual mass से द carâ??s look, but द all-glass हैच might be an eyesore for ए few customers.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  circular फॉग लाइट्स are located on द एक्सट्रीम corners ऑफ द फ्रंट bumper in large ब्लैक housings. they are available only on द top-end वीएक्स trim.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  petal shaped headlights get ए smoked look. sadly, there are नहीं projectors और led daytime running lamps (drls) on offer in any variant.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  taillights are triangular in shape और are located on either side ऑफ द intersection ऑफ द टेलगेट और रियर bumper. द clusters on each side get ए stop lamp, turn indicator और reversing light.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  outside रियर view mirrors (orvms) are बॉडी कलर्ड on द एस और वीएक्स trims, while द entry-level ई trim gets ब्लैक units. however, integrated turn indicators are available only on द top-spec वीएक्स trim.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द exhaust tail pipe juts out from under ए cutout on द रियर bumper. ए अधिक tasteful way ऑफ hiding it away from sight would have been अधिक appealing.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  from द side, द ब्रियो हैचबैक might polarize opinions ऑफ potential customers. while द front-end gets significant visual bulk, द रियर एन्ड gets ए chopped-off look that makes द कार look ए bit disproportionate. द b-pillar आईएस blacked out on द एस और वीएक्स trims.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द ब्रियो वीएक्स trim gets 14-inch अलॉय व्हील that are wrapped in 175/65 section tyres. meanwhile, लोअर वेरिएंट come with similarly sized steel rims.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द लोअर part ऑफ द glass आईएस covered in ब्लैक film in order से hide द contents ऑफ द boot. ए होंडा logo आईएस placed in द middle ऑफ द blacked out एरिया, just ऊपर द boot handle.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द रियर number plate आईएस located in ए recessed एरिया in द centre ऑफ द bumper.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द रेंज topping वीएक्स trim ऑफ द ब्रियो हैचबैक comes with ए रियर spoiler that houses द led हाई mount stop lamp.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  होंडा कारें इंडिया आईएस offering द ब्रियो in four colour options â?? rallye रेड, alabaster सिल्वर, व्हाइट ऑर्चिड पर्ल, और modern steel metallic.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द होंडा ब्रियो has been on sale भारत में since 2011. it आईएस द most affordable offering from होंडा in द indian market. द japanese carmaker लेटेस्ट लॉन्च ए midlife फेसलिफ्ट ऑफ द ब्रियो in 2016. as part ऑफ this update, द हैचबैक received ए few revisions on द outside, ए न्यू dashboard, और ए few feature additions, while remaining mechanically unchanged.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द ब्रियो आईएस ए fairly small कार, which makes it an ideal सिटी commuter. it आईएस 3610mm, long, 1680mm, wide, और measures 1500mm, in terms ऑफ height. it has ए 2345mm, long व्हीलबेस, while द kerb weight ranges from 920kg से 970kg, depending on द powertrain और variant configuration.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द ब्रियो आईएस available in three वेरिएंट, सभी ऑफ which are powered by ए 1.2-litre पेट्रोल engine. द इंजन can be had with either ए 5-स्पीड मैनुअल gearbox और ए 5-स्पीड at.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  फ्रंट एन्ड ऑफ द ब्रियो हैचबैक ��आईएस dominated by ए wide gloss ब्लैक bar connecting द two headlamps, with ए subtle क्रोम detailing on द लोअर edge ऑफ द grille. this layout आईएस स्टैंडर्ड on सभी variants. द फ्रंट number plate आईएस located just below द grille area. as part ऑफ द midlife फेसलिफ्ट, द ब्रियो has received ए अधिक aggressive design for द फ्रंट bumper, which makes द कार look ए lot sportier than द pre-facelift version.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द रियर आईएस वन एरिया ऑफ द होंडा brioâ??s design which can polarise opinions. द large bumper एरिया does help in adding some visual mass से द carâ??s look, but द all-glass हैच might be an eyesore for ए few customers.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  circular फॉग लाइट्स are located on द एक्सट्रीम corners ऑफ द फ्रंट bumper in large ब्लैक housings. they are available only on द top-end वीएक्स trim.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  petal shaped headlights get ए smoked look. sadly, there are नहीं projectors और led daytime running lamps (drls) on offer in any variant.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  taillights are triangular in shape और are located on either side ऑफ द intersection ऑफ द टेलगेट और रियर bumper. द clusters on each side get ए stop lamp, turn indicator और reversing light.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  outside रियर view mirrors (orvms) are बॉडी कलर्ड on द एस और वीएक्स trims, while द entry-level ई trim gets ब्लैक units. however, integrated turn indicators are available only on द top-spec वीएक्स trim.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द exhaust tail pipe juts out from under ए cutout on द रियर bumper. ए अधिक tasteful way ऑफ hiding it away from sight would have been अधिक appealing.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  from द side, द ब्रियो हैचबैक might polarize opinions ऑफ potential customers. while द front-end gets significant visual bulk, द रियर एन्ड gets ए chopped-off look that makes द कार look ए bit disproportionate. द b-pillar आईएस blacked out on द एस और वीएक्स trims.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द ब्रियो वीएक्स trim gets 14-inch अलॉय व्हील that are wrapped in 175/65 section tyres. meanwhile, लोअर वेरिएंट come with similarly sized steel rims.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द लोअर part ऑफ द glass आईएस covered in ब्लैक film in order से hide द contents ऑफ द boot. ए होंडा logo आईएस placed in द middle ऑफ द blacked out एरिया, just ऊपर द boot handle.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द रियर number plate आईएस located in ए recessed एरिया in द centre ऑफ द bumper.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द रेंज topping वीएक्स trim ऑफ द ब्रियो हैचबैक comes with ए रियर spoiler that houses द led हाई mount stop lamp.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  होंडा कारें इंडिया आईएस offering द ब्रियो in four colour options â?? rallye रेड, alabaster सिल्वर, व्हाइट ऑर्चिड पर्ल, और modern steel metallic.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द होंडा ब्रियो आईएस available with an all-black इंटीरियर 27,स्कीम on द top-end वीएक्स trim. द dashboard gets some क्रोम, सिल्वर और piano ब्लैक inserts for added detailing. लोअर वेरिएंट come with ए ब्लैक और बेज layout instead.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द three-spoke स्टीयरिंग व्हील gets सिल्वर plastic inserts on एस और वीएक्स variants. though द व्हील does get thumb contours, it स्टाइलिंग से जुड़े slightly outdated, especially in comparison से other कारें in this segment.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  स्टीयरिंग mounted audio controls are availablsteering mounted buttons ई on द एस और ऊपर trims. only द left spoke gets द buttons, while द right spoke आईएस plain plastic.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द instrument cluster includes three pods. द largest pod in द centre houses द स्पीडोमीटर, द left pod gets ए tachometer, while द right pod includes an analogue फ्यूल gauge. there आईएस also ए small मिड screen located on द लोअर edge ऑफ द स्पीडोमीटर pod.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द ब्रियो doesnâ??t get ऑटोमेटिक क्लाइमेट कंट्रोल (acc) on any variant. however, द एसी console has been designed से look like it आईएस an acc unit. it gets ए digital screen in द middle with push-type buttons around it. द slider control for air flow does look ए bit outdated though.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  ए couple ऑफ cup holders are located ahead ऑफ द gear lever.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द ब्रियो gets ए 5-स्पीड gearbox as स्टैंडर्ड with द 1.2-litre पेट्रोल engine. there आईएस also ए 5-स्पीड ऑटोमेटिक gearbox on offer in द top-end वीएक्स trim.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  except द base-spec ई trim level, सभी other वेरिएंट ऑफ द होंडा ब्रियो come with ए 2-din infotainment system that supports am/fm, यूएसबी, mp3 और aux-in inputs. it also ऑफर ब्लूटूथ कनेक्टिविटी और hands free टेलीफोन functionality.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द textured panel just ऊपर द glovebox adds ए hint ऑफ premiumness से द dashboard.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  फ्रंट पावर विंडोज are स्टैंडर्ड on सभी वेरिएंट ऑफ द ब्रियो, while द एस और ऊपर trims come with रियर पावर विंडोज as well. द एस
    • होंडा ब्रियो  ड्राइवर seat belt reminder आईएस स्टैंडर्ड on सभी variants. फ्रंट seat belt pretensioner with load limiter आईएस available as an option on द एस variant, but आईएस स्टैंडर्ड on द वीएक्स trim.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द ब्रियो आईएस available with dual एयर बैग as स्टैंडर्ड on द top ऑफ द line वीएक्स trim, और as an option on द एस trim. एंटी लॉक ब्रेकिंग सिस्टम system (abs) with इलेक्ट्रोनिक brake फोर्स distribution (ebd) आईएस available only on द वीएक्स variants.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  outside रियर view mirrors (orvms) can be electronically adjusted on द एस और ऊपर trims. however, पावर फोल्डेबल orvms with integrated turn indicators are limited से द वीएक्स trim only.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  except द base-spec ई trim, सभी higher वेरिएंट ऑफ द ब्रियो come with keyless entry.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  both फ्रंट और रियर सीटें come with integrated headrests. एडजस्टेबल headrests would have been अधिक useful as they provide apt support for occupants ऑफ varied heights. also notice how thin द फ्रंट सीटें are, which help in liberating अधिक knee room for द रियर occupants.
    • होंडा ब्रियो डोर view ऑफ ड्राइवर seat image
    • होंडा ब्रियो  pedals in द footwell are aptly spaced. seen here आईएस द arrangement available on द ब्रियो ऑटोमेटिक, thus द missing clutch pedal.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  pictured here are द एसी vents which get ए brushed सिल्वर detailing on द लोअर edge.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द रियर seat आईएस बेस्ट suited for two full sized adults. fitting in ए तीसरा occupant can be ए bit ऑफ ए स्क्वीज़, thanks से द कारें narrow width.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  एस और वीएक्स trims come with 4 speakers, with 1 mounted on each door.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द glovebox आईएस aptly sized but lacks cooling functionality, something that आईएस seen on many कारें in this कीमत range.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  pedals in द footwell are aptly spaced. seen here आईएस द arrangement available on द ब्रियो ऑटोमेटिक, thus द missing clutch pedal.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द होंडा ब्रियो आईएस available with an all-black इंटीरियर 27,स्कीम on द top-end वीएक्स trim. द dashboard gets some क्रोम, सिल्वर और piano ब्लैक inserts for added detailing. लोअर वेरिएंट come with ए ब्लैक और बेज layout instead.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द three-spoke स्टीयरिंग व्हील gets सिल्वर plastic inserts on एस और वीएक्स variants. though द व्हील does get thumb contours, it स्टाइलिंग से जुड़े slightly outdated, especially in comparison से other कारें in this segment.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  स्टीयरिंग mounted audio controls are availablsteering mounted buttons ई on द एस और ऊपर trims. only द left spoke gets द buttons, while द right spoke आईएस plain plastic.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द instrument cluster includes three pods. द largest pod in द centre houses द स्पीडोमीटर, द left pod gets ए tachometer, while द right pod includes an analogue फ्यूल gauge. there आईएस also ए small मिड screen located on द लोअर edge ऑफ द स्पीडोमीटर pod.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द ब्रियो doesnâ??t get ऑटोमेटिक क्लाइमेट कंट्रोल (acc) on any variant. however, द एसी console has been designed से look like it आईएस an acc unit. it gets ए digital screen in द middle with push-type buttons around it. द slider control for air flow does look ए bit outdated though.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  ए couple ऑफ cup holders are located ahead ऑफ द gear lever.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द ब्रियो gets ए 5-स्पीड gearbox as स्टैंडर्ड with द 1.2-litre पेट्रोल engine. there आईएस also ए 5-स्पीड ऑटोमेटिक gearbox on offer in द top-end वीएक्स trim.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  except द base-spec ई trim level, सभी other वेरिएंट ऑफ द होंडा ब्रियो come with ए 2-din infotainment system that supports am/fm, यूएसबी, mp3 और aux-in inputs. it also ऑफर ब्लूटूथ कनेक्टिविटी और hands free टेलीफोन functionality.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द textured panel just ऊपर द glovebox adds ए hint ऑफ premiumness से द dashboard.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  फ्रंट पावर विंडोज are स्टैंडर्ड on सभी वेरिएंट ऑफ द ब्रियो, while द एस और ऊपर trims come with रियर पावर विंडोज as well. द एस
    • होंडा ब्रियो  ड्राइवर seat belt reminder आईएस स्टैंडर्ड on सभी variants. फ्रंट seat belt pretensioner with load limiter आईएस available as an option on द एस variant, but आईएस स्टैंडर्ड on द वीएक्स trim.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द ब्रियो आईएस available with dual एयर बैग as स्टैंडर्ड on द top ऑफ द line वीएक्स trim, और as an option on द एस trim. एंटी लॉक ब्रेकिंग सिस्टम system (abs) with इलेक्ट्रोनिक brake फोर्स distribution (ebd) आईएस available only on द वीएक्स variants.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  outside रियर view mirrors (orvms) can be electronically adjusted on द एस और ऊपर trims. however, पावर फोल्डेबल orvms with integrated turn indicators are limited से द वीएक्स trim only.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  except द base-spec ई trim, सभी higher वेरिएंट ऑफ द ब्रियो come with keyless entry.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  both फ्रंट और रियर सीटें come with integrated headrests. एडजस्टेबल headrests would have been अधिक useful as they provide apt support for occupants ऑफ varied heights. also notice how thin द फ्रंट सीटें are, which help in liberating अधिक knee room for द रियर occupants.
    • होंडा ब्रियो डोर view ऑफ ड्राइवर seat image
    • होंडा ब्रियो  pedals in द footwell are aptly spaced. seen here आईएस द arrangement available on द ब्रियो ऑटोमेटिक, thus द missing clutch pedal.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  pictured here are द एसी vents which get ए brushed सिल्वर detailing on द लोअर edge.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द रियर seat आईएस बेस्ट suited for two full sized adults. fitting in ए तीसरा occupant can be ए bit ऑफ ए स्क्वीज़, thanks से द कारें narrow width.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  एस और वीएक्स trims come with 4 speakers, with 1 mounted on each door.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द glovebox आईएस aptly sized but lacks cooling functionality, something that आईएस seen on many कारें in this कीमत range.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  pedals in द footwell are aptly spaced. seen here आईएस द arrangement available on द ब्रियो ऑटोमेटिक, thus द missing clutch pedal.
    • रैली रेड
    • ऑर्किड व्हाइट पर्ल
    • मॉडर्न स्टील मैटेलिक
    • एलबेस्टर सिल्वर
    • टॅफेटा व्हाइट
    • एनर्जेटिक ब्लू - ब्रियो
    रैली रेड

    ब्रियो के इंटीरियर और एक्सटेरियर के फोटो

    • एक्सटीरियर
    • इंटीरियर
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द होंडा ब्रियो has been on sale भारत में since 2011. it आईएस द most affordable offering from होंडा in द indian market. द japanese carmaker लेटेस्ट लॉन्च ए midlife फेसलिफ्ट ऑफ द ब्रियो in 2016. as part ऑफ this update, द हैचबैक received ए few revisions on द outside, ए न्यू dashboard, और ए few feature additions, while remaining mechanically unchanged.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द ब्रियो आईएस ए fairly small कार, which makes it an ideal सिटी commuter. it आईएस 3610mm, long, 1680mm, wide, और measures 1500mm, in terms ऑफ height. it has ए 2345mm, long व्हीलबेस, while द kerb weight ranges from 920kg से 970kg, depending on द powertrain और variant configuration.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द ब्रियो आईएस available in three वेरिएंट, सभी ऑफ which are powered by ए 1.2-litre पेट्रोल engine. द इंजन can be had with either ए 5-स्पीड मैनुअल gearbox और ए 5-स्पीड at.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  फ्रंट एन्ड ऑफ द ब्रियो हैचबैक आईएस dominated by ए wide gloss ब्लैक bar connecting द two headlamps, with ए subtle क्रोम detailing on द लोअर edge ऑफ द grille. this layout आईएस स्टैंडर्ड on सभी variants. द फ्रंट number plate आईएस located just below द grille area. as part ऑफ द midlife फेसलिफ्ट, द ब्रियो has received ए अधिक aggressive design for द फ्रंट bumper, which makes द कार look ए lot sportier than द pre-facelift version.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द रिय�र आईएस वन एरिया ऑफ द होंडा brioâ??s design which can polarise opinions. द large bumper एरिया does help in adding some visual mass से द carâ??s look, but द all-glass हैच might be an eyesore for ए few customers.
    ब्रियो एक्सटीरियर फोटो
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द होंडा ब्रियो आईएस available with an all-black इंटीरियर 27,स्कीम on द top-end वीएक्स trim. द dashboard gets some क्रोम, सिल्वर और piano ब्लैक inserts for added detailing. लोअर वेरिएंट come with ए ब्लैक और बेज layout instead.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द three-spoke स्टीयरिंग व्हील gets सिल्वर plastic inserts on एस और वीएक्स variants. though द व्हील does get thumb contours, it स्टाइलिंग से जुड़े slightly outdated, especially in comparison से other कारें in this segment.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  स्टीयरिंग mounted audio controls are availablsteering mounted buttons ई on द एस और ऊपर trims. only द left spoke gets द buttons, while द right spoke �आईएस plain plastic.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द instrument cluster includes three pods. द largest pod in द centre houses द स्पीडोमीटर, द left pod gets ए tachometer, while द right pod includes an analogue फ्यूल gauge. there आईएस also ए small मिड screen located on द लोअर edge ऑफ द स्पीडोमीटर pod.
    • होंडा ब्रियो  द ब्रियो doesnâ??t get ऑटोमेटिक क्लाइमेट कंट्रोल (acc) on any variant. however, द एसी console has been designed से look like it आईएस an acc unit. it gets ए digital screen in द middle with push-type buttons around it. द slider control for air flow does look ए bit outdated though.
    ब्रियो इंटीरियर फोटो

    होंडा ब्रियो वर्चुअल एक्सपीरियंस

    होंडा ब्रियो इंटीरियरtap से interact 360º

    होंडा ब्रियो इंटीरियर

    होंडा ��ब्रियो एक्सटीरियरtap से interact 360º

    होंडा ब्रियो एक्सटीरियर

    360º view ऑफ होंडा ब्रियो

    ब्रियो डिज़ाइन हाइलाइट

    • होंडा ब्रियो it makes द quickest स्प्रिंट from 0-100 किलोमीटर प्रति घंटे, amongst its rivals

      It makes the quickest sprint from 0-100 kmph, amongst its rivals

    • पेट्रोल
    • डीजल
    • Currently Viewing
      Rs.4,73,245*ईएमआई: Rs.9,947
      18.5 किमी/लीटरमैनुअल
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      Rs.5,23,214*ईएमआई: Rs.10,958
      18.5 किमी/लीटरमैनुअल
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      Rs.5,35,214*ईएमआई: Rs.11,210
      18.5 किमी/लीटरमैनुअल
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      Rs.5,96,698*ईएमआई: Rs.12,463
      18.5 किमी/लीटरमैनुअल
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      Rs.6,81,547*ईएमआई: Rs.14,595
      16.5 किमी/लीटरऑटोमेटिक
    • Currently Viewing
      Rs.6,00,000*ईएमआई: Rs.12,425
      22 किमी/लीटरमैनुअल

    होंडा ब्रियो वीडियो

    होंडा ब्रियो के स्टाइलिंग से जुड़े यूज़र रिव्यू

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    • A
      aagmanbatra on Aug 09, 2019
      The real compact hatch.
      The real compact hatchback with a adequate engine (1.2 petrol). The best for city drive as it's steering is very smooth which can actually be operated using a finger (don't do it, it's just to define the steering's smoothness) but it's not that good for highways and when you pass 2500 rpm it's engine strains and give out a very bad sound. It has all basic features that you need in a hatch of this size. According to me it?s best for old age people and ladies. It?s back seat is also comfortable but lacks leg room and only 2 people can sit comfortably in the back. Die to its compact dimensions, it?s easy to manoeuvre. It?s mileage is not so impressive looking at its engine size and weight, it will give a milega about 11-12 kmpl in city with a/c on and talking about the a/c, it?s the worst like in a country like India where in summers temperature touches 50-degree Celsius it's a/c fails to cool the car. In the end, I can say that if you want a car for city drive, you can consider it.
      और देखें
      8 5
    • R
      raju sarkar on Jun 11, 2019
      A Mind Blowing Car
      This is a good car. The looks are really nice. The features are great. 
    • A
      ajay on Jun 09, 2019
      Honda Brio ( sporty look, stylish, class apart Hatchback)
      We have bought this car just because of the company *HONDA *, and yes it proved. Even after 7 years, my brio is as smooth as a new one. Never go to any car garage. Not a single defect in any engine part yet. While wondering to cities you will see many car garages but you will rarely see or may never see any Honda cars there. Its technologies are a class apart. Still, its power window, gate, and steering are as tight and new as it was while buying. I feel very light and smooth with a little or no engine sound while driving. From the exterior, it is quite a sporty look stylish hatchback.
      और देखें
    • A
      arjun dahiya on May 26, 2019
      Best look, style, space and practical car for a family of 4&5. Having no issue with CNG in this car, on the other hand, it gives me an average of 25km/kg which is quite good for this engine. No cabin sound and interior of the car is so much spacious and stylish that everyone will love that. In petrol also avg is around 16 km/l in the city and around 20-22km/l on the highway . The service cost is also not so high, 4-5k maximum.
      और देखें
    • J
      joshua on May 17, 2019
      A Spacious Family car with Good mileage
      A perfect Family car and an excellent ride suited for Indian roads. The exterior look doesn't have any impact on the inner room space, it is too spacious in the inside. The leg room that you get is far good than some of the Sedans(hatchback + extended).
      और देखें
      2 1
    • M
      ms city medicos on May 04, 2019
      Brio- A must buy
      The car gives excellent mileage and has a great pickup. The automatic model is such a pleasure to ride, super comfortable interiors. It has a sporty look and a 1600 cc engine. One of the best cars from Honda. It has a very low service cost compared to other cars. I am one of the happy costumers of Honda.
      और देखें
      2 2
    • H
      hipubhai j chudasama on Apr 16, 2019
      Small wonder car...
      It's a very good looking family car... Very comfortable... Average is also good... Low maintenance...
    • M
      meet on Apr 15, 2019
      Honda Brio Petrol Version Honest Review
      We were owning Hyundai Santro for like 7 to 8 years and my mom & dad both loved to drive it so they were a bit hesitant to shift to Honda at that time. I didn't know how to drive then but I fell in love with the look of Honda Brio while I was checking different cars within our budget at that time. I showed it to them online and they liked it but it was just launched at that time so it wasn't seen on roads and neither any friends or relatives had it to take opinions from. You know any middle-class family would think before investing and opinions from people sometimes should be taken for such matters at least. But we finally bought it and it has been 7 years so far and I feel happy when my parents say that this is by far the best car they have owned. There is only one thing that we felt won't bother while buying but sometimes does bother and that is the capacity of boot space. It is too compact but we being a family of 3 manage it. Except that we have no complaints as such because the performance is damn good and it is very smooth to drive as well. The rear seats are very spacious and though the car looks compact from outside but inside it is very spacious and comfortable. You don't get tired while driving Honda even for long journeys. We own a petrol version and so the transmission is even smoother. We have the urban titanium paint and it looks damn good as well. Now they have also introduced an automatic version of Brio so I feel if you are looking for hatchback car then it is the best car in all ways possible. Seriously the maintenance costs are low as well and practically driving Honda car for me provides the best driving experience. The car is no doubt budget friendly as well so I will highly recommend it to all middle-class buyers and also would wish that you push your budget a little and buy this car rather than setting to some other company for lesser amount and even those who are not having any budget restrictions then also I would recommend you to invest in this car as it will be one of the most stylish investments made by you. So to sum it up, as per my opinion, the only con is capacity of boot space otherwise this is the best hatchback car available in India and you won't have any complaints driving it. I am not switching to any other company except Honda now with my future cars. Thanks for reading the review. Thanks, Honda for this amazing car. All the best for your next car.
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