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    स्कोडा येति के स्पेसिफिकेशन

    स्कोडा येति के स्पेसिफिकेशन

    स्कोडा येति के साथ 1 डीजल इंजन का ऑप्शन मिलता है। इसके डीजल इंजन 1968 सीसी का है। यह मैनुअल ट्रांसमिशन के साथ उपलब्ध है। वेरिएंट और फ्यूल टाइप के आधार पर येति का माइलेज 17.67 से 17.72 किमी/लीटर है। येति 5 सीटर है और लम्बाई 4222mm, चौड़ाई 1793mm और व्हीलबेस 2578mm है।

    और देखें
    Rs. 20.11 - 23.10 लाख*
    This model has been discontinued
    *Last recorded price

    स्कोडा येति के मुख्य स्पेसिफिकेशन

    एआरएआई माइलेज17.67 किमी/लीटर
    सिटी माइलेज14.3 किमी/लीटर
    फ्यूल टाइपडीजल
    इंजन डिस्पलेसमेंट1968 सीसी
    नंबर ऑफ cylinders4
    मैक्सिमम पावर138.03bhp@4200rpm
    अधिकतम टॉर्क320nm@1750-2500rpm
    सीटिंग कैपेसिटी5
    ट्रांसमिशन टाइपमैनुअल
    फ्यूल टैंक क्षमता60 लीटर
    बॉडी टाइपएसयूवी
    ग्राउंड क्लीयरेंस अनलेडन180 (मिलीमीटर)

    स्कोडा येति के मुख्य फीचर्स

    पावर स्टीयरिंगYes
    पावर विंडो फ्रंटYes
    एंटी लॉक ब्रेकिंग सिस्टम system (abs)Yes
    एयर कंडीशनYes
    ड्राइवर एयरबैगYes
    पैसेंजर एयरबैगYes
    ऑटोमेटिक क्लाइमेट कंट्रोलYes
    फॉग लाइट्स - फ्रंटYes
    अलॉय व्हीलYes

    स्कोडा येति के स्पेसिफिकेशन

    इंजन और ट्रांसमिशन

    इंजन टाइप
    space Image
    डीजल इंजन
    space Image
    1968 सीसी
    मैक्सिमम पावर
    space Image
    अधिकतम टॉर्क
    space Image
    नंबर ऑफ cylinders
    space Image
    वॉल्व प्रति सिलेंडर
    space Image
    वाल्व कॉन्फ़िगरेशन
    space Image
    फ्यूल सप्लाई सिस्टम
    space Image
    डायरेक्ट इंजेक्शन
    टर्बो चार्जर
    space Image
    सुपर चार्ज
    space Image
    ट्रांसमिशन टाइपमैनुअल
    space Image
    6 स्पीड
    ड्राइव टाइप
    space Image
    गलत विवरण की रिपोर्ट करें

    फ्यूल और परफॉर्मेंस

    फ्यूल टाइपडीजल
    डीजल माइलेज एआरएआई17.67 किमी/लीटर
    डीजल फ्यूल टैंक क्षमता
    space Image
    60 लीटर
    एमिशन नॉर्म्स कंप्लायंस
    space Image
    bs आइवी
    top स्पीड
    space Image
    190 किलोमीटर प्रति घंटे
    गलत विवरण की रिपोर्ट करें

    सस्पेंशन, स्टीयरिंग और ब्रेक्स

    फ्रंट सस्पेंशन
    space Image
    मैकफर्सन स्ट्रट
    रियर सस्पेंशन
    space Image
    multi-element axle
    स्टीयरिंग टाइप
    space Image
    स्टीयरिंग कॉलम
    space Image
    स्टीयरिंग गियर टाइप
    space Image
    रैक एन्ड पिनियन
    टर्निंग रेडियस
    space Image
    5.0 meters
    फ्रंट ब्रेक टाइप
    space Image
    रियर ब्रेक टाइप
    space Image
    space Image
    9.9 सेकंड्स
    0-100 किलोमीटर प्रति घंटा
    space Image
    9.9 सेकंड्स
    गलत विवरण की रिपोर्ट करें

    डायमेंशन और क्षमता

    space Image
    4222 (मिलीमीटर)
    space Image
    1793 (मिलीमीटर)
    space Image
    1691 (मिलीमीटर)
    सीटिंग कैपेसिटी
    space Image
    ग्राउंड क्लीयरेंस अनलेडन
    space Image
    180 (मिलीमीटर)
    व्हील बेस
    space Image
    2578 (मिलीमीटर)
    फ्रंट tread
    space Image
    1539 (मिलीमीटर)
    रियर tread
    space Image
    1537 (मिलीमीटर)
    कर्ब वेट
    space Image
    154 3 kg
    कुल भार
    space Image
    2075 kg
    नंबर ऑफ doors
    space Image
    गलत विवरण की रिपोर्ट करें


    पावर स्टीयरिंग
    space Image
    एयर कंडीशन
    space Image
    space Image
    एडजस्टेबल स्टीयरिंग
    space Image
    हाइट एडजस्टेबल ड्राइवर सीट
    space Image
    इलेक्ट्रिक एडजस्टेबल सीट
    space Image
    ऑटोमेटिक क्लाइमेट कंट्रोल
    space Image
    एयर क्वालिटी कंट्रोल
    space Image
    रिमोट ट्रंक ओपनर
    space Image
    रिमोट फ्यूल-लिड ओपनर
    space Image
    लो फ्यूल वॉर्निंग लाइट
    space Image
    एसेसरीज पावर आउटलेट
    space Image
    ट्रंक लाइट
    space Image
    वैनिटी मिरर
    space Image
    रियर रीडिंग लैंप
    space Image
    रियर सीट हेडरेस्ट
    space Image
    रियर सीट सेंटर आर्म रेस्ट
    space Image
    हाइट एडजस्टेबल फ्रंट सीटबेल्ट
    space Image
    रियर एसी वेंट
    space Image
    lumbar support
    space Image
    क्रूज कंट्रोल
    space Image
    पार्किंग सेंसर
    space Image
    फ्रंट & रियर
    नेविगेशन system
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    फोल्डेबल रियर सीट
    space Image
    60:40 स्प्लिट
    स्मार्ट एक्सेस कार्ड एंट्री
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    की-लेस एंट्री
    space Image
    इंजन स्टार्ट/स्टॉप बटन
    space Image
    cooled glovebox
    space Image
    voice commands
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    paddle shifters
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    ऑटोमेटिक हेडलैंप्स
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    फॉलो मी होम हेडलैंप्स
    space Image
    गलत विवरण की रिपोर्ट करें


    space Image
    इलेक्ट्रॉनिक मल्टी ट्रिपमीटर
    space Image
    लैदर सीट
    space Image
    fabric अपहोल्स्ट्री
    space Image
    leather wrapped स्टीयरिंग व्हील
    space Image
    glove बॉक्स
    space Image
    डिजिटल क्लॉक
    space Image
    आउटसाइड टेम्परेचर डिस्प्ले
    space Image
    सिगरेट लाइटर
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    डिजिटल ओडोमीटर
    space Image
    ड्राइविंग एक्सपीरियंस कंट्रोल इको
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    फोल्डिंग टेबल - रियर
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    गलत विवरण की रिपोर्ट करें


    एडजस्टेबल headlamps
    space Image
    फॉग लाइट्स - फ्रंट
    space Image
    फॉग लाइट्स - पीछे
    space Image
    रेन सेंसिंग वाइपर
    space Image
    रियर विंडो वाइपर
    space Image
    रियर विंडो वॉशर
    space Image
    रियर विंडो डिफॉगर
    space Image
    व्हील कवर्स
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    अलॉय व्हील
    space Image
    पावर एंटीना
    space Image
    रंगीन ग्लास
    space Image
    रियर स्पॉइलर
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    रूफ कैरियर
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    साइड स्टेपर
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    आउटसाइड रियर व्यू मिरर टर्न इंडिकेटर्स
    space Image
    integrated एंटीना
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    क्रोम ग्रिल
    space Image
    क्रोम गार्निश
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    स्मोक हेडलैंप
    space Image
    roof rails
    space Image
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    अलॉय व्हील साइज
    space Image
    16 inch
    टायर साइज
    space Image
    215/60 r16
    टायर टाइप
    space Image
    ट्यूबलैस, रेडियल
    गलत विवरण की रिपोर्ट करें


    एंटी लॉक ब्रेकिंग सिस्टम system (abs)
    space Image
    ब्रेक असिस्ट
    space Image
    सेंट्रल लॉकिंग
    space Image
    पावर डोर लॉक्स
    space Image
    चाइल्ड सेफ्टी लॉक
    space Image
    एंटी-थेफ्ट अलार्म
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    ड्राइवर एयरबैग
    space Image
    पैसेंजर एयरबैग
    space Image
    side airbag
    space Image
    साइड एयरबैग-रियर
    space Image
    डे एंड नाइट रियर व्यू मिरर
    space Image
    पैसेंजर साइड रियर व्यू मिरर
    space Image
    ज़ेनॉन हैडलैंप
    space Image
    रियर सीट बेल्ट
    space Image
    सीट बेल्ट वार्निंग
    space Image
    डोर अजार वार्निंग
    space Image
    साइड इम्पैक्ट बीम
    space Image
    फ्रंट इंपेक्ट बीम
    space Image
    ट्रैक्शन कंट्रोल
    space Image
    एडजस्टेबल सीट
    space Image
    टायर प्रेशर monitoring system (tpms)
    space Image
    व्हीकल स्टेबिलिटी कंट्रोल सिस्टम
    space Image
    इंजन इम्मोबिलाइज़र
    space Image
    क्रैश सेंसर
    space Image
    सेंट्रली माउंटेड फ्यूल टैंक
    space Image
    इंजन चेक वार्निंग
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    क्लच लॉक
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    space Image
    रियर कैमरा
    space Image
    एंटी-थेफ्ट डिवाइस
    space Image
    गलत विवरण की रिपोर्ट करें

    एंटरटेनमेंट और कम्युनिकेशन

    space Image
    ऑडियो सिस्टम रिमोट कंट्रोल
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    इंटीग्रेटेड 2-डिन ऑडियो
    space Image
    यूएसबी एन्ड ऑक्सीलियरी इनपुट
    space Image
    ब्लूटूथ कनेक्टिविटी
    space Image
    space Image
    गलत विवरण की रिपोर्ट करें

      Compare variants of स्कोडा येति

      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.20,11,159*ईएमआई: Rs.45,479
        17.72 किमी/लीटरमैनुअल
        Key Features
        • dual zone climatronic
        • hill hold control
        • क्रूज कंट्रोल
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.20,31,158*ईएमआई: Rs.45,933
        17.72 किमी/लीटरमैनुअल
        Pay ₹ 19,999 more to get
        • bi-xenon प्रोजेक्टर हेडलैंप
        • एबीएस with ebd, esc और hba
        • parktronic sensors
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.21,31,231*ईएमआई: Rs.48,163
        17.72 किमी/लीटरमैनुअल
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.21,81,159*ईएमआई: Rs.49,276
        17.67 किमी/लीटरमैनुअल
        Pay ₹ 1,70,000 more to get
        • parktronic distance control
        • 2.0 टीडीआई 4x4 इंजन with 138bhp
        • touchscreen infotainment system
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.23,10,064*ईएमआई: Rs.52,158
        17.67 किमी/लीटरमैनुअल

      स्कोडा येति के कंफर्ट यूज़र रिव्यू

      पर बेस्ड27 यूजर रिव्यू
      पॉपुलर Mentions
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      • A
        as parmar on Feb 23, 2017
        fuel efficiency
        Look and Style very good Comfort very good Pickupis good. however at lower speed engine cuts off abruptly unless initial acceleration is slow in 2nd gear onwards. Mileage Fuel Efficiency is not as skoda is claiming.It is giving a fuel efficiency of 7-8 kmpl in city driving and 11-11.5 on long drives on highway.Though its computer shows consumption as 6.8 or 7.2 litrs/100km,physically its consumption is much more as given above.I have calculated the milage by physically topping the tank and after drive again topping the tank.Skoda wksp could only check the veh on computer and reported all ok.. Best Features Needs to improve fuel efficiency.
        और देखें
        12 4
      • A
        a rahman on Nov 10, 2016
        Very Good Car
        At Skoda, it's apparent that there are no rigid rules being enforced on the designers, no narrow perfectly defined pathways along which they must march. And this can be seen with the Yeti, which is brimming over with individuality and "look at me appeal". The moment you see the car in the flesh, you will stop questioning and start appreciating the looks. The manner in which the round headlights bulge out and overlap so many surfaces, that very attractive angry SUV underbite of the scruff plate, the way the squared-off wheel arches deliver a well-planted stance, and even the arc of the window line that curves upto the roof. And the Yeti looks attractive from the rear as well. Skoda has given this car a length of just 4.2 metres. As a result, squeezing into tight parking spaces is no sweat at all. Visibility from the driver's seat is excellent, the parking sensors do a stellar job and there's plenty of articulation in the front wheels too. For rear passenger space, Skoda has taken a leaf from tall boy hatchbacks and has used vertical space to very good effect. Using the adjustable seating, you can slide the rear seats back and fit one six-footer comfortably behind another. The front seats are as large and comfortable you?d expect of any Skoda, door-shut and build quality are tank-like and there are plenty of high-quality bits on the dash. The steering wheel and dials look similar to those on the Laura, the central console is traditional and there is a neat horizontal line of separation between the upper and lower dash. As on the Laura, a few low-rent plastics do exist but thankfully not enough to spoil the cabin's ambience. At the rear, there's plenty of thigh support, you sit higher than the front seat passengers and the backrests of the seats recline as well. All three rear seats can be removed individually for variable luggage space and flexibility, and you can even uniquely place the two rear seats directly behind the front seats by taking out the centre seat. Luggage space, however, is pretty generous at 415 litres under the parcel tray. And there are all sorts of nets, hooks and very cleverly engineered extras that make this a very user-friendly boot. The Yeti is built on the same platfrom as the Skoda Laura (code PQ35), and that for a start means it has a highly sophisticated all-independent suspension. The SUV, however, uses a full-time four-wheel-drive system. Under normal conditions, it all but functions like a front-wheel-drive car. Up to 95 percent of its power is sent to the front wheels, with more power only sent to the rear wheels if any slip is detected. Upto 90 percent of power can be sent to the rear wheels if the need arises, and it has a limited slip differential as well, something that is very handy in our slushy conditions. The Yeti is surprisingly capable off tarmac, taking to slushy parts and rough roads with a surprising amount of confidence. The Haldex four-wheel-drive unit has been placed in the rear for better weight distribution and grip levels at front and rear are well balanced too. The Yeti's agility on tarmac is equally impressive. The electric steering is direct and very accurate and this makes the Yeti enjoyable on the highway too. The downside of the taut suspension, however, is a slightly revealing ride. The Yeti isn't as supple as something like a CR-V in town and this is especially true over short, sharp intrusions. The two-litre common-rail diesel and the six-speed manual gearbox are well up to the task in the city. This new-generation 140bhp motor is the same as the one that powers the Laura and that gives it a very impressive turn of foot. There is only the slightest hint of lag from this motor, after which you are smoothly and briskly whooshed up to much higher speeds with a very pleasant slug of torque that stretches well into the midrange.
        और देखें
        2 2
      • S
        sandeep banerjee on Jul 20, 2016
        Powerfull car if you self driving
        I purchase the car from JMD skoda Mumbai in Oct 2011and since then it been close to 5years i have been using and done 70000kms. It is 4x4 ambition model mfd 2011. It is a very powerful car 2ltrs engine (1968cc) rock steady in driving in all kinds of roads in city , highway i have done little bit of off road too , steady drive wheel , you will feel the power both in climbs and flat road , no jerking and good suspension. Fuel economy of 14/15kms is really good for a 2ltr diesel engine. The exterior are little old fashion European style - broad wheel base with alloy steel but the spare Tyre come with normal for car which was 18lacs + those days it is too unfortunate that skoda will try and cut corners on these things. The AC is front is fine - but no auto control even the steering wheel does not the any control of Multimedia player - may the current version have it ! This is solid car if you are self driving the rear seats are not comfortable and the ACs do not function - in fact with the first 10-11 months i had gone JMD kandivalli service center - they tried every thing to the extent of replacing the AC compressor ( free) and kept the car with them for service for 2 weeks as it was defective but it improved only 20% , they too finally gave up. The annual service bill will be approx 24-25k except for the 1st year. Even the seating of 3 adults in rear is issue as the AC vent in middle of rear will cause discomfort. The boott is spacious the rear seats are adjustable and foldable in case if you want sleep in long outdoor camp Excellent driving comfort even after 300kms of non stop driving in fact you will not feel tired it is extremely easy to maneuver. The Tyre will last around 45000-50000km and the need to be replaced - even you gear box will last approx 60000kms and the need to change the clutch kit and fly wheel which will cost approx 80k. It is once year maintenance or after 15000kms will cost you approx 24k. If you are doing 80-100kms on daily basis self drive and want a powerful stuff then this is good option - not good for families and rear travelers. The skoda services needs to improve in India - like 24x7 helpline, customer care, my experience have not been good - in fact i found out the service center better like in JMD Skoda in Mumbai though they will try to extract as much business from you but will advice the right thing i found the same in Mahavira Auto Hyderabad where i have recently relocated from Mumbai. It may be because when i go for my vehicle repairs or maintenance i strike a chord with service engineers etc - but most customer complains. I will probably use the current Vehicle as i like the power and sturdy attitude of this car and my average run daily is around 80kms - may be i will use it till 150000kms which is another 4 years -i am sure it will survive till then with quality maintenance. .
        और देखें
        25 3
      • G
        gs oberoi on Jun 29, 2015
        Amazing Soft Off Roader And Urban SUV
        Look and Style: I know many people will find the styling to be quirky but personally am a huge fan of the styling of this urban SUV. There is something uniquely European about its styling and I totally love it. Comfort: 10/10 for comfort. The driver's seat is excellent but I simply love sitting in the back and being driven by my chauffeur. The back seats are more comfortable than my Beamer (thats a personal opinion). Pickup: Well. It's an SUV of sorts. Don't expect lightning speeds but I am comfortable with the 140 horses under the hood. Goes fast when you need it to. Mileage: Gives a decent 13 kmpl. Best Features: I like it as a whole. Needs to improve: Hard to say. It's a good drive and our desires seem to be endless. It's just perfect the way it is. Overall Experience: 9/10, I will deduct a point for Skoda after sales service. Otherwise, I am totally in love with this car.
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        rohit on Apr 06, 2013
        I Love It
        Look and Style: Looks sharp, stylish from front and rear, but it looks a bit boring from sides.  Comfort: Full leather seats, A/C glove box, 6-way adjustable seats (front), 4 way adjustable back seats, back seats can be fully removed to create massive space, off road suspension setting for bumpy Indian road conditions, great visibility in all sides (from driver seat).  Pickup: 0-100 in 8 secs. The deisel engine makes 140-160 bhp (great sound at high revs in the cabin).  Mileage: Excellent mileage. I think this is Yeti's strongest point compared to other SUVs. Haven't calculated exact figure but it is great.  Best Features: Mileage, looks, compact size (easy to park), power to weight ratio.  Needs to improve: Ground clearance is great but can be improved with the overall size of the car.  Overall Experience: Fun to drive (puts a smile on your face) feels like a sports car. 
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        ramesh on Sep 27, 2012
        Yeti Elegance Review
         Look and Style: A bit unconventional. But the boxy look from the rear grows on you while making for good visibility and storage. The Range Rover is not a great looking car at first glance too.    Comfort: Five in comfort including one minor, four adults in style. Oodles of space for luggage.    Pickup: Very good. The peppy engine and the assuring drivability of the car makes handling a dream even in the congested and potholed city that Bangalore has now become. Handles better than a much smaller car in city traffic.    Mileage: Min 10 kmpl in traffic described above where the car is being driven at third gear or lower 90 percent of the time. Of course with A/C on.  Best Features: Great fit and finish, exteriors as well as interiors, solid feel to the car indicative of good build quality, user friendly dashboard with a nice MFD, thoughtfully engineered steering mounted controls, reassuring safety features, exciting driveability. Sounds like the car brochure but it's all true.    Needs to improve: Hear things about the poor after sales service. Would be a pity if it were true. Skoda, you have made what is perhaps the best car on the Indian roads at the moment. Hope you will protect and cherish it.    Overall Experience: A great all round motoring experience. Was a bit apprehensive before I bought the vehicle thinking of the two lakh price differential, the perceived lower resale and alleged poor after sales service. The last is correctable, the first is not significant as it initially appears to be if you analyse all aspects of the car (don't forget the driving experience and enhanced safety features). About resale, who knows. At this point, I am too busy enjoying the car. I do not believe that can a true all round motoring experience would fail to hold its value. Do go for it and maybe get a drive assure package initially as a safety net till you know the Yeti better.  
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        rishi on Dec 03, 2011
        Skoda Yeti 4x2, a compact SUV
        Look and Style Last Sunday I got a chance to undergo the test drive of new Skoda Yeti 4x2 variant. When I looked the car from front it caught my eye with its sporty and elegant look. Comfort In terms of comfort if anyone is looking for a comfortable SUV then I think Skoda Yeti 4x2 is the perfect option for them. The SUV has a highly comfortable and luxurious cabin. Pickup Being powered with the highly advanced engine, the new Yeti delivers the better performance and high acceleration. The engine enables the car to cross the speed barrier of 100 kmph in a very short span of time. I reached the top speed of 155 kmph easily without feeling any vibrations. Mileage The sales person at the dealership ensures me that the SUV will deliver the fuel efficiency of 17.5 Kmpl on any terrain. I hope it gives the same mileage as suggested by Skoda guy. Best Features The feature I like the most is its stylish look. The appearance of the car took my heart away. Apart from its looks the new SUV comes affixed with a lot of safety and handling features. Further the SUV provides the ample amount of storage space to store the luggage. Apart from this, the cosmetic features, performance and handling of the car is also impressive. Needs to improve Till now it’s not possible for me to find out any flaw during the test drive. But since Skoda is not well known to deliver the good after maintenance, I think the SUV also lags in this segment that is the poor maintenance. Overall Experience In a nutshell the new Skoda Yeti 4x2 is a good option for those who seek a comfortable SUV.
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        arshkiran on Mar 25, 2011
        yeti !!! the muv
        Look and Style car looks quite classic and has a fab muv look !!!! gives stunning competeion to crv etc...... Comfort welll. the rear seat are not at all comforatable whereas i find the the front seats a pro classic !! this is a big problem of skoda i.e their rear seats are not so quite good !! Pickup hhmmmm quite interesting pickup as it goes like zoom!!! Mileage gud miledge and i quite like it ............ Needs to improve SEATING !!! Overall Experience OVER ALL GUD CAR !!! A BIG NO IS THE PRICE
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