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निसान टेरानो 2013-2017 के स्पेसिफिकेशन

निसान टेरानो 2013-2017 के स्पेसिफिकेशन

निसान टेरानो 2013-2017 के साथ 1 डीजल इंजन और पेट्रोल का ऑप्शन मिलता है। इसके डीजल इंजन 1461 सीसी while पेट्रोल इंजन 1598 सीसी का है। यह मैनुअल & ऑटोमेटिक ट्रांसमिशन के साथ उपलब्ध है। वेरिएंट और फ्यूल टाइप के आधार पर टेरानो 2013-2017 का माइलेज 13.24 से 20.45 किमी/लीटर है। टेरानो 2013-2017 5 सीटर है और लम्बाई 4331mm, चौड़ाई 2000mm और व्हीलबेस 2673mm है।

और देखें
Rs. 9.99 - 13.85 लाख*
This model has been discontinued
*Last recorded price

निसान टेरानो 2013-2017 के मुख्य स्पेसिफिकेशन

एआरएआई माइलेज19.61 किमी/लीटर
सिटी माइलेज16.34 किमी/लीटर
फ्यूल टाइपडीजल
इंजन डिस्पलेसमेंट1461 सीसी
नंबर ऑफ cylinders4
मैक्सिमम पावर108.5bhp@3900rpm
अधिकतम टॉर्क248nm@2250rpm
सीटिंग कैपेसिटी5
ट्रांसमिशन टाइपऑटोमेटिक
फ्यूल टैंक क्षमता50 लीटर
बॉडी टाइपएसयूवी
ग्राउंड क्लीयरेंस अनलेडन205 (मिलीमीटर)

निसान टेरानो 2013-2017 के मुख्य फीचर्स

पावर स्टीयरिंगYes
पावर विंडो फ्रंटYes
एंटी लॉक ब्रेकिंग सिस्टम system (abs)Yes
एयर कंडीशनYes
ड्राइवर एयरबैगYes
पैसेंजर एयरबैगYes
फॉग लाइट्स - फ्रंटYes
अलॉय व्हीलYes
व्हील कवर्सउपलब्ध नहीं

निसान टेरानो 2013-2017 के स्पेसिफिकेशन

इंजन और ट्रांसमिशन

इंजन टाइप
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k9k डीजल इंजन
space Image
1461 सीसी
मैक्सिमम पावर
space Image
अधिकतम टॉर्क
space Image
नंबर ऑफ cylinders
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वॉल्व प्रति सिलेंडर
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वाल्व कॉन्फ़िगरेशन
space Image
फ्यूल सप्लाई सिस्टम
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टर्बो चार्जर
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सुपर चार्ज
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ट्रांसमिशन टाइपऑटोमेटिक
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6 स्पीड
ड्राइव टाइप
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फ्रंट व्हील ड्राइव
गलत विवरण की रिपोर्ट करें

फ्यूल और परफॉर्मेंस

फ्यूल टाइपडीजल
डीजल माइलेज एआरएआई19.61 किमी/लीटर
डीजल फ्यूल टैंक क्षमता
space Image
50 लीटर
एमिशन नॉर्म्स कंप्लायंस
space Image
bs आइवी
top स्पीड
space Image
168 किलोमीटर प्रति घंटे
गलत विवरण की रिपोर्ट करें

सस्पेंशन, स्टीयरिंग और ब्रेक्स

फ्रंट सस्पेंशन
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मैकफर्सन स्ट्रट
रियर सस्पेंशन
space Image
टॉरिसन बीम
शॉक अब्जोर्बर टाइप
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coil springs
स्टीयरिंग टाइप
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स्टीयरिंग कॉलम
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स्टीयरिंग गियर टाइप
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रैक एन्ड पिनियन
टर्निंग रेडियस
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5.2 meters
फ्रंट ब्रेक टाइप
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रियर ब्रेक टाइप
space Image
space Image
13 सेकंड्स
0-100 किलोमीटर प्रति घंटा
space Image
13 सेकंड्स
गलत विवरण की रिपोर्ट करें

डायमेंशन और क्षमता

space Image
4331 (मिलीमीटर)
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2000 (मिलीमीटर)
space Image
1671 (मिलीमीटर)
सीटिंग कैपेसिटी
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ग्राउंड क्लीयरेंस अनलेडन
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205 (मिलीमीटर)
व्हील बेस
space Image
2673 (मिलीमीटर)
फ्रंट tread
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1560 (मिलीमीटर)
रियर tread
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1567 (मिलीमीटर)
कर्ब वेट
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1380 kg
कुल भार
space Image
178 7 kg
नंबर ऑफ doors
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गलत विवरण की रिपोर्ट करें


पावर स्टीयरिंग
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एयर कंडीशन
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space Image
एडजस्टेबल स्टीयरिंग
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हाइट एडजस्टेबल ड्राइवर सीट
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इलेक्ट्रिक एडजस्टेबल सीट
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उपलब्ध नहीं
ऑटोमेटिक क्लाइमेट कंट्रोल
space Image
उपलब्ध नहीं
एयर क्वालिटी कंट्रोल
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रिमोट ट्रंक ओपनर
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रिमोट फ्यूल-लिड ओपनर
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लो फ्यूल वॉर्निंग लाइट
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एसेसरीज पावर आउटलेट
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ट्रंक लाइट
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वैनिटी मिरर
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रियर रीडिंग लैंप
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रियर सीट हेडरेस्ट
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रियर सीट सेंटर आर्म रेस्ट
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हाइट एडजस्टेबल फ्रंट सीटबेल्ट
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रियर एसी वेंट
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lumbar support
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क्रूज कंट्रोल
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उपलब्ध नहीं
पार्किंग सेंसर
space Image
नेविगेशन system
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उपलब्ध नहीं
फोल्डेबल रियर सीट
space Image
बेंच फोल्डिंग
स्मार्ट एक्सेस कार्ड एंट्री
space Image
उपलब्ध नहीं
की-लेस एंट्री
space Image
इंजन स्टार्ट/स्टॉप बटन
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उपलब्ध नहीं
cooled glovebox
space Image
उपलब्ध नहीं
voice commands
space Image
उपलब्ध नहीं
paddle shifters
space Image
उपलब्ध नहीं
ऑटोमेटिक हेडलैंप्स
space Image
उपलब्ध नहीं
फॉलो मी होम हेडलैंप्स
space Image
उपलब्ध नहीं
गलत विवरण की रिपोर्ट करें


space Image
इलेक्ट्रॉनिक मल्टी ट्रिपमीटर
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लैदर सीट
space Image
fabric अपहोल्स्ट्री
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leather wrapped स्टीयरिंग व्हील
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glove बॉक्स
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डिजिटल क्लॉक
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आउटसाइड टेम्परेचर डिस्प्ले
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उपलब्ध नहीं
सिगरेट लाइटर
space Image
डिजिटल ओडोमीटर
space Image
ड्राइविंग एक्सपीरियंस कंट्रोल इको
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उपलब्ध नहीं
फोल्डिंग टेबल - रियर
space Image
उपलब्ध नहीं
गलत विवरण की रिपोर्ट करें


एडजस्टेबल headlamps
space Image
फॉग लाइट्स - फ्रंट
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फॉग लाइट्स - पीछे
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उपलब्ध नहीं
रेन सेंसिंग वाइपर
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उपलब्ध नहीं
रियर विंडो वाइपर
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रियर विंडो वॉशर
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रियर विंडो डिफॉगर
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व्हील कवर्स
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उपलब्ध नहीं
अलॉय व्हील
space Image
पावर एंटीना
space Image
रंगीन ग्लास
space Image
रियर स्पॉइलर
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उपलब्ध नहीं
रूफ कैरियर
space Image
उपलब्ध नहीं
साइड स्टेपर
space Image
उपलब्ध नहीं
आउटसाइड रियर व्यू मिरर टर्न इंडिकेटर्स
space Image
उपलब्ध नहीं
integrated एंटीना
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उपलब्ध नहीं
क्रोम ग्रिल
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क्रोम गार्निश
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उपलब्ध नहीं
स्मोक हेडलैंप
space Image
roof rails
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उपलब्ध नहीं
अलॉय व्हील साइज
space Image
16 inch
टायर साइज
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215/65 r16
टायर टाइप
space Image
ट्यूबलेस tyres
गलत विवरण की रिपोर्ट करें


एंटी लॉक ब्रेकिंग सिस्टम system (abs)
space Image
ब्रेक असिस्ट
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सेंट्रल लॉकिंग
space Image
पावर डोर लॉक्स
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चाइल्ड सेफ्टी लॉक
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एंटी-थेफ्ट अलार्म
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उपलब्ध नहीं
ड्राइवर एयरबैग
space Image
पैसेंजर एयरबैग
space Image
side airbag
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उपलब्ध नहीं
साइड एयरबैग-रियर
space Image
उपलब्ध नहीं
डे एंड नाइट रियर व्यू मिरर
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पैसेंजर साइड रियर व्यू मिरर
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ज़ेनॉन हैडलैंप
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उपलब्ध नहीं
रियर सीट बेल्ट
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सीट बेल्ट वार्निंग
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डोर अजार वार्निंग
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साइड इम्पैक्ट बीम
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फ्रंट इंपेक्ट बीम
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ट्रैक्शन कंट्रोल
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उपलब्ध नहीं
एडजस्टेबल सीट
space Image
टायर प्रेशर monitoring system (tpms)
space Image
उपलब्ध नहीं
व्हीकल स्टेबिलिटी कंट्रोल सिस्टम
space Image
उपलब्ध नहीं
इंजन इम्मोबिलाइज़र
space Image
क्रैश सेंसर
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सेंट्रली माउंटेड फ्यूल टैंक
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इंजन चेक वार्निंग
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उपलब्ध नहीं
क्लच लॉक
space Image
उपलब्ध नहीं
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रियर कैमरा
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उपलब्ध नहीं
एंटी-थेफ्ट डिवाइस
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गलत विवरण की रिपोर्ट करें

एंटरटेनमेंट और कम्युनिकेशन

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ऑडियो सिस्टम रिमोट कंट्रोल
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उपलब्ध नहीं
इंटीग्रेटेड 2-डिन ऑडियो
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यूएसबी एन्ड ऑक्सीलियरी इनपुट
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ब्लूटूथ कनेक्टिविटी
space Image
space Image
उपलब्ध नहीं
गलत विवरण की रिपोर्ट करें

Compare variants of निसान टेरानो 2013-2017

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    20.45 किमी/लीटरमैनुअल
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निसान टेरानो 2013-2017 के कंफर्ट यूज़र रिव्यू

पर बेस्ड18 यूजर रिव्यू
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  • R
    raghav jain on Jan 20, 2017
    Car is fine but the agency's service is not good.
    Hey guys! I bought a new Nissan Terrano on 11 December 2013. Till I bought the car the company helped me in each way or the other but when I came for the first service they started behaving like I'm their servant not they are mine. They are is no good system to complain and they their self say that it's a type of governmental work. I'll suggest you not to buy the car. I had bought it for something around 14 lacs but now if I try to sell it, they bid it around 6-7 lakhs, which is less than. even half the price I bought. The car becomes a shit after around 60k kms and 3 years. Today I was driving the car and I was supposed to stop at traffic light, the car was still on but at rest. As I tried to accelerate it, I came to know that engine turned off itself and when I tried to start the engine again it couldn't.I felt the problem was with battery because last time when I took it to agency they said that the problem was with battery. So, I got it replaced with a new original battery but the problem still persisted . There was a huge jam because of that. When I took it to agency, they said the problem is with self. But when I told them that what's the use of self after the car is on. But they didn't listened to me and still believed that they were examining the car rightly. Then I asked them how much time will it take the car to be repaired and they said around 7 days at least because the part is not available easily. Remember I'm not a liar, I'm serious. I will like to tell you that don't waste lacs of your rupees for buying this car. Till buying the car, the company told me that it's maintains cost is negligible but it has costed me more 1.5 lakh. Are we mad and just earn to waste our money? I'm very disappointed with the car. I will suggest you to buy a car of Toyota company. It really feels great. They serve you the best. Take least time to repair the car. Give value to our money and the maintainence cost is reasonable. I have a 7-year old Innova and still it's engine and other parts are in great shape.Also never buy a car with lots of sensors. It increases the maintenance cost to a huge extent. Buy a car with reasonable or least sensors. Be sure it simple but comfortable. Terrano is good looking and a handsome car, no doubt but it will never make you feel that you have invested your money at right thing. I'm not any company official but just like you, who wants a car that can fit into my needs. So, to make you convenient I also have given you a alternative to buy a car belonging to Toyota company as it's worth buying.
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  • R
    raman jain on Jan 20, 2017
    Hey guys! I bought a new Nissan Terrano on 11 December 2013. Till I bought the car the company helped me in each way or the other but when I came for the first service they started behaving like I'm their servant not they are mine. They are is no good system to complain and they their self say that it's a type of governmental work. I'll suggest you not to buy the car. I had bought it for something around 14 lacs but now if I try to sell it, they bid it around 6-7 lakhs, which is less than. even half the price I bought. The car becomes a shit after around 60k kms and 3 years. Today I was driving the car and I was supposed to stop at traffic light, the car was still on but at rest. As I tried to accelerate it, I came to know that engine turned off itself and when I tried to start the engine again it couldn't.I felt the problem was with battery because last time when I took it to agency they said that the problem was with battery. So, I got it replaced with a new original battery but the problem still persisted . There was a huge jam because of that. When I took it to agency, they said the problem is with self. But when I told them that what's the use of self after the car is on. But they didn't listened to me and still believed that they were examining the car rightly. Then I asked them how much time will it take the car to be repaired and they said around 7 days at least because the part is not available easily. Remember I'm not a liar, I'm serious. I will like to tell you that don't waste lacs of your rupees for buying this car. Till buying the car, the company told me that it's maintains cost is negligible but it has costed me more 1.5 lakh. Are we mad and just earn to waste our money? I'm very disappointed with the car. I will suggest you to buy a car of Toyota company. It really feels great. They serve you the best. Take least time to repair the car. Give value to our money and the maintaince cost is reasonable. I have a 7-year old Innova and still it's engine and other parts are in great shape.Also never buy a car with lots of sensors. It increases the maintenance cost to a huge extent. Buy a car with reasonable or least sensors. Be sure it simple but comfortable. Terrano is good looking and a handsome car, no doubt but it will never make you feel that you have invested your money at right thing. I'm not any company official but just like you, who wants a car that can fit into my needs. So, to make you convenient I also have given you a alternative to buy a car belonging to Toyota company as it's worth buying.Can't provide a picture because it is in agency and they I don't know what the hell they are doing with it. The car is been examined on the basis of above incident. Thanks for reading.
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  • A
    asif shaik on Dec 22, 2016
    Big SUV for Big people
    Our family is big and we each of us are tall ,more than 6 ft tall and our primary need is we are looking for a specious, powerful, hunk, long life and within budget of 10L SUV and we found Terrano suits us more and it apts our requirements.   Nissan is a brand which is most popular and reliable in Middle east countries, in india they are growing well and many satisfied customers are there , many more are opting now. When coming to Terrano we love its sporty , stylish and hulk look, it got much more leg room, boot space and lagguage space and when coming to back seat, 3 people can get accomodated comfortably irrespective of their height, more over to accommodate two extra people in luggage space, where they can sit comfortably as well. Front seting as well as back seting people can fold their legs in 90 degree and do have much more leg room to straighten them. We bought red color and the exterior look wise as well it is too good and all other color variants looks great for this husky and dusky vehicle. Interiors are too good , high fabricated leather seats , the black and biege color combinatoin of inner doors and the mid part of teh driver seat and the co passenger seat is very stlysih and it is giving very elegant look for the interior design . Head rest for all the seats front and rear, which are adjustable are too good.   When coming to the engine its is sufficiently powerful for Indian road driving. The breaking assist is the additional new feature to the vehicle along with ABS which is reducing the breaking distance. It got very good engine with a decent mileage of 18/ 18.5 kmpl, where all other SUV gives very less mileage and it is a big constraint in india as we do think much on mileage, for me more than 17/ 18 it is giving and it is the best with these kind of vehicles with 1500 cc displacement. It is the lengthiest SUV and width wise also it is the biggest one. The extra bumper safety will make it little longer and chrome grilled bumper looks pretty good on the vehicle. We compared with many other vehicles whcih one is taller and longer bla bla , we found out this one is the big among all others.The only problem we are facing is when we want to turn in to a small street then we should be very much careful as its turn around radius is very much long. It got 16 inch wheels and they are that big enough to lift that heavy vehicle and road grip wise I can say it is good when compared to any other indian brand vehicles which are running around. The only part what we dint liked about is the music system, it is a normal one and I was expecting a decent with navigation facility , multi touch screen sound system. It is bestowed with outside temperature measurment whcih I have never seen in any other vehicle, its AC is good just like all other vehicles do have.   We enjoyed long rides and love riding it. All my cousins are competing to ride it and they enjoy a lot.  
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  • D
    dr sanjeev gupta on Nov 11, 2016
    Car for me
    I bought my Terrano AMT two weeks back and i have already clocked 300 kilometers. its a joy to drive and its cabin feels so much premium.I must say the it is worth every penny i spent on it.Although i admit that the auto gear shift is a bit sluggish but you get used to it and in return it offered me great mileage. I always wanted to buy a Sports utility vehicle which was automatic and stylish. Terrano fits every part of it.It has a style statement and can be categorised as a true sports utility vehicle.the build quality is good with a solid feel.its a very steady car at high speeds gives you confidence while driving on modern highways designed for high speed vehicles.its got a reasonable turning radius good enough for a car of this size and class.rear seats are a bit bumpy du etc its hard suspension.on the interior some minor changes apart the cabin is comfortable with very little noise entering .although music system is good but nissan should have incorporated better speakers .overall i am fully satisfied by the performance .this is the perfect family car in which you would love to go for long drives with your loved ones
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  • T
    tom on Aug 06, 2016
    Great Car That Ticks All The Boxes In Its Segment
    This car is a perfect solution for people like me who have a luxury car but want an easy to use, powerful and reliable car for the everyday commute to the office. Although it has its own problems and feels a tad bit outdated, it is still a good car. But where it scores is on air-conditioning, performance and size. It looks rugged and has no hatchback like looks (Hyundai Creta) or MPV looks (Honda BRV), instead looks like a compact and affordable version of the soon to release X-trail. It lacks modern comforts such as a touchscreen and climate control, which are must when the car's on-road price is near 15-16 lakhs. And the two best selling items that many of us need: Automatic Varients and All-Wheel Drive. But still is more rugged, bigger and more nicely built. So if you want a luxurious big hatchback like car to go for the Creta, which is even more powerful, has more feature and even has an automatic variant. But if you want a powerful, rugged,bigger and a proper go anywhere tough old-school mini SUV, the Terrano nails it. But if Practicality suits you best, then the BRV is better. And in the end, if quite affordable and powerful SUV is your choice the look at the Duster or the S-cross. But the most affordable one is, in the end, is the Vitara Brezza and the Ecosport, with normal performance and more than enough technology. Even then a car that gets you all of these and still looks handsome and has some grunt, it's the Terrano with practicality, performance, economy and ruggedness. So a good choice after all. Go get one soon!  
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  • T
    tom on Aug 06, 2016
    Great Car that ticks all the boxes in its segment
    This car is a perfect solution for people like me who have a luxury car but want an easy to use,powerful and reliable car for the everyday commute to the office. Although it has its own problems and feels a tad bit outdated,it is still a good car. But where it scores is on air-conditioning,performance and size. It looks rugged and has no hatchback like looks (eg.Hyundai Creta) or MPV looks (Honda BRV), instead looks like a compact and affordable version of the soon to release X-trail. It lacks modern comforts such as a touchscreen and climate control,which are must when the car's on road price is near 15-16 lakhs. And the two best selling items that many of us need: Automatic Variants and All-Wheel Drive. But still is more rugged,bigger and more nicely built So if you want a luxurious big hatchback like car go for the creta,which is even more powerful,has more feature and even has an automatic variant But if you want a powerful,rugged,bigger and a proper go anywhere tough old-school mini suv,The terrano nails it. But if Practicality suits you best,then the BRV is better. And in the end if quite affordable and powerful suv is your choice the look at the Duster or S-cross But the most affordable one is in the end is the vitara brezza and ecosport, with normal performance and more then enough technology Even then a car that gets you all of these and still looks handsome and has some grunt,it's the Terrano with practicality,performance,economy and ruggedness. So a good choice after all. Go get one soon!!!
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  • A
    akshar on Sep 15, 2015
    Nissan Terrano: Great Car
    Look and Style: The Styling of this car is phenomenal. During the period that we were planning on buying the vehicle, the choice of vehicles simply came down to the Duster/Terrano. The Terrano, although a lack more than the same priced variant of the Duster was a clear winner for me in terms of looks. Comfort: The car is pretty big (for me coz I was driving a Polo before this), ample room, lovely to drive, finding the ideal driving position can take a little time. Pickup: Pickup is pretty good, again coming from a petrol car I was used to car being able to take lower revs, but remember to rev it and keep it in the 2000RPM range and you will be golden, endless power. Mileage: Well the ARAI stats seem to be rubbish, the max I have got in the city with AC on is 12 kmpl. I am guessing it should give more without AC and even better on the highway. No complaints, though ARAI is usually rubbish. Best Features: I really enjoy the ride height of the vehicle and the ample grunt that the engine has. You can drive the car peacefully or as fast as you want to. Needs to improve: The ergonomics of the vehicle could be better, with larger bottle storage and cup holders, not a deal-breaker though. A Touchscreen on the top end would be good too. Overall Experience I've had the car for about a week or 2 now, no complaints so far and I am having fun. If you are looking into the small SUV market, definitely give the Terrano a test drive, worth the money spent.
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  • P
    prem singh on Jul 20, 2015
    This Is One Of The Best Car I've Ever Driven So Far
    Look and Style - This is one of the best cars I've ever driven so far. Comfort - Awesome comfort, you will get the feel, if you like to go on long drives. Comfortable seats with many additional gadgets. Pickup - Nice pickup, even in steep areas, allows you to overtake easily. Mileage - Amazing mileage of 15 KMPL in City and 17-18 KMPL on highways. Best Features - It's ground clearance, which is the best for the Indian roads. Powerful engine that provides amazing power to this vehicle. Needs to improve - Everything is perfect with this vehicle. Overall Experience - Had an excellent experience with the Nissan Terrano.
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