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    महिंद्रा सैंग्यॉन्ग रेक्सटन के स्पेसिफिकेशन

    महिंद्रा सैंग्यॉन्ग रेक्सटन के स्पेसिफिकेशन

    महिंद्रा सैंग्यॉन्ग रेक्सटन के साथ 1 डीजल इंजन का ऑप्शन मिलता है। इसके डीजल इंजन 2696 सीसी का है। यह मैनुअल & ऑटोमेटिक ट्रांसमिशन के साथ उपलब्ध है। वेरिएंट और फ्यूल टाइप के आधार पर रेक्सटन का माइलेज 11.18 से 12.83 किमी/लीटर है। रेक्सटन 7 सीटर है और लम्बाई 4755mm, चौड़ाई 1900mm और व्हीलबेस 2835mm है।

    और देखें
    Rs. 21.04 - 24.85 लाख*
    This model has been discontinued
    *Last recorded price

    महिंद्रा सैंग्यॉन्ग रेक्सटन के मुख्य स्पेसिफिकेशन

    एआरएआई माइलेज11.18 किमी/लीटर
    फ्यूल टाइपडीजल
    इंजन डिस्पलेसमेंट2696 सीसी
    नंबर ऑफ cylinders5
    मैक्सिमम पावर184bhp@4000rpm
    अधिकतम टॉर्क402nm@1600-3000rpm
    सीटिंग कैपेसिटी7
    ट्रांसमिशन टाइपऑटोमेटिक
    फ्यूल टैंक क्षमता78 लीटर
    बॉडी टाइपएसयूवी
    ग्राउंड क्लीयरेंस अनलेडन208 (मिलीमीटर)

    महिंद्रा सैंग्यॉन्ग रेक्सटन के मुख्य फीचर्स

    पावर स्टीयरिंगYes
    पावर विंडो फ्रंटYes
    एंटी लॉक ब्रेकिंग सिस्टम system (abs)Yes
    एयर कंडीशनYes
    ड्राइवर एयरबैगYes
    पैसेंजर एयरबैगYes
    ऑटोमेटिक क्लाइमेट कंट्रोलYes
    फॉग लाइट्स - फ्रंटYes
    अलॉय व्हीलYes

    महिंद्रा सैंग्यॉन्ग रेक्सटन के स्पेसिफिकेशन

    इंजन और ट्रांसमिशन

    इंजन टाइप
    space Image
    rx270 xvt डीजल इंजन
    space Image
    2696 सीसी
    मैक्सिमम पावर
    space Image
    अधिकतम टॉर्क
    space Image
    नंबर ऑफ cylinders
    space Image
    वॉल्व प्रति सिलेंडर
    space Image
    वाल्व कॉन्फ़िगरेशन
    space Image
    फ्यूल सप्लाई सिस्टम
    space Image
    टर्बो चार्जर
    space Image
    सुपर चार्ज
    space Image
    ट्रांसमिशन टाइपऑटोमेटिक
    space Image
    5 स्पीड
    ड्राइव टाइप
    space Image
    गलत विवरण की रिपोर्ट करें

    फ्यूल और परफॉर्मेंस

    फ्यूल टाइपडीजल
    डीजल माइलेज एआरएआई11.18 किमी/लीटर
    डीजल फ्यूल टैंक क्षमता
    space Image
    78 लीटर
    एमिशन नॉर्म्स कंप्लायंस
    space Image
    bs आइवी
    top स्पीड
    space Image
    194 किलोमीटर प्रति घंटे
    गलत विवरण की रिपोर्ट करें

    सस्पेंशन, स्टीयरिंग और ब्रेक्स

    फ्रंट सस्पेंशन
    space Image
    डबल विशबोन
    रियर सस्पेंशन
    space Image
    5 link
    शॉक अब्जोर्बर टाइप
    space Image
    एंटी रोल बार
    स्टीयरिंग टाइप
    space Image
    स्टीयरिंग कॉलम
    space Image
    स्टीयरिंग गियर टाइप
    space Image
    रैक एन्ड पिनियन
    टर्निंग रेडियस
    space Image
    5. 7 meters
    फ्रंट ब्रेक टाइप
    space Image
    वेंटिलेटेड डिस्क
    रियर ब्रेक टाइप
    space Image
    space Image
    13.5 सेकंड्स
    0-100 किलोमीटर प्रति घंटा
    space Image
    13.5 सेकंड्स
    गलत विवरण की रिपोर्ट करें

    डायमेंशन और क्षमता

    space Image
    4755 (मिलीमीटर)
    space Image
    1900 (मिलीमीटर)
    space Image
    1840 (मिलीमीटर)
    सीटिंग कैपेसिटी
    space Image
    ग्राउंड क्लीयरेंस अनलेडन
    space Image
    208 (मिलीमीटर)
    व्हील बेस
    space Image
    2835 (मिलीमीटर)
    कर्ब वेट
    space Image
    2060 kg
    नंबर ऑफ doors
    space Image
    गलत विवरण की रिपोर्ट करें


    पावर स्टीयरिंग
    space Image
    एयर कंडीशन
    space Image
    space Image
    एडजस्टेबल स्टीयरिंग
    space Image
    हाइट एडजस्टेबल ड्राइवर सीट
    space Image
    इलेक्ट्रिक एडजस्टेबल सीट
    space Image
    ऑटोमेटिक क्लाइमेट कंट्रोल
    space Image
    एयर क्वालिटी कंट्रोल
    space Image
    रिमोट ट्रंक ओपनर
    space Image
    रिमोट फ्यूल-लिड ओपनर
    space Image
    लो फ्यूल वॉर्निंग लाइट
    space Image
    एसेसरीज पावर आउटलेट
    space Image
    ट्रंक लाइट
    space Image
    वैनिटी मिरर
    space Image
    रियर रीडिंग लैंप
    space Image
    रियर सीट हेडरेस्ट
    space Image
    रियर सीट सेंटर आर्म रेस्ट
    space Image
    हाइट एडजस्टेबल फ्रंट सीटबेल्ट
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    रियर एसी वेंट
    space Image
    lumbar support
    space Image
    क्रूज कंट्रोल
    space Image
    पार्किंग सेंसर
    space Image
    नेविगेशन system
    space Image
    फोल्डेबल रियर सीट
    space Image
    60:40 स्प्लिट
    स्मार्ट एक्सेस कार्ड एंट्री
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    की-लेस एंट्री
    space Image
    इंजन स्टार्ट/स्टॉप बटन
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    cooled glovebox
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    voice commands
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    paddle shifters
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    ऑटोमेटिक हेडलैंप्स
    space Image
    फॉलो मी होम हेडलैंप्स
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    गलत विवरण की रिपोर्ट करें


    space Image
    इलेक्ट्रॉनिक मल्टी ट्रिपमीटर
    space Image
    लैदर सीट
    space Image
    fabric अपहोल्स्ट्री
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    leather wrapped स्टीयरिंग व्हील
    space Image
    glove बॉक्स
    space Image
    डिजिटल क्लॉक
    space Image
    आउटसाइड टेम्परेचर डिस्प्ले
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    सिगरेट लाइटर
    space Image
    डिजिटल ओडोमीटर
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    ड्राइविंग एक्सपीरियंस कंट्रोल इको
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    फोल्डिंग टेबल - रियर
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    गलत विवरण की रिपोर्ट करें


    एडजस्टेबल headlamps
    space Image
    फॉग लाइट्स - फ्रंट
    space Image
    फॉग लाइट्स - पीछे
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    रेन सेंसिंग वाइपर
    space Image
    रियर विंडो वाइपर
    space Image
    रियर विंडो वॉशर
    space Image
    रियर विंडो डिफॉगर
    space Image
    व्हील कवर्स
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    अलॉय व्हील
    space Image
    पावर एंटीना
    space Image
    रंगीन ग्लास
    space Image
    रियर स्पॉइलर
    space Image
    रूफ कैरियर
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    साइड स्टेपर
    space Image
    आउटसाइड रियर व्यू मिरर टर्न इंडिकेटर्स
    space Image
    integrated एंटीना
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    क्रोम ग्रिल
    space Image
    क्रोम गार्निश
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    स्मोक हेडलैंप
    space Image
    roof rails
    space Image
    space Image
    अलॉय व्हील साइज
    space Image
    16 inch
    टायर साइज
    space Image
    235/75 r16
    टायर टाइप
    space Image
    ट्यूबलैस, रेडियल
    गलत विवरण की रिपोर्ट करें


    एंटी लॉक ब्रेकिंग सिस्टम system (abs)
    space Image
    ब्रेक असिस्ट
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    सेंट्रल लॉकिंग
    space Image
    पावर डोर लॉक्स
    space Image
    चाइल्ड सेफ्टी लॉक
    space Image
    एंटी-थेफ्ट अलार्म
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    ड्राइवर एयरबैग
    space Image
    पैसेंजर एयरबैग
    space Image
    side airbag
    space Image
    साइड एयरबैग-रियर
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    डे एंड नाइट रियर व्यू मिरर
    space Image
    पैसेंजर साइड रियर व्यू मिरर
    space Image
    ज़ेनॉन हैडलैंप
    space Image
    रियर सीट बेल्ट
    space Image
    सीट बेल्ट वार्निंग
    space Image
    डोर अजार वार्निंग
    space Image
    साइड इम्पैक्ट बीम
    space Image
    फ्रंट इंपेक्ट बीम
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    ट्रैक्शन कंट्रोल
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    एडजस्टेबल सीट
    space Image
    टायर प्रेशर monitoring system (tpms)
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    व्हीकल स्टेबिलिटी कंट्रोल सिस्टम
    space Image
    इंजन इम्मोबिलाइज़र
    space Image
    क्रैश सेंसर
    space Image
    सेंट्रली माउंटेड फ्यूल टैंक
    space Image
    इंजन चेक वार्निंग
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    क्लच लॉक
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    रियर कैमरा
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    एंटी-थेफ्ट डिवाइस
    space Image
    गलत विवरण की रिपोर्ट करें

    एंटरटेनमेंट और कम्युनिकेशन

    space Image
    ऑडियो सिस्टम रिमोट कंट्रोल
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    इंटीग्रेटेड 2-डिन ऑडियो
    space Image
    यूएसबी एन्ड ऑक्सीलियरी इनपुट
    space Image
    ब्लूटूथ कनेक्टिविटी
    space Image
    उपलब्ध नहीं
    space Image
    गलत विवरण की रिपोर्ट करें

      Compare variants of महिंद्रा सैंग्यॉन्ग रेक्सटन

      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.21,04,156*ईएमआई: Rs.47,555
        12.83 किमी/लीटरमैनुअल
        Key Features
        • dual फ्रंट एयर बैग
        • रियर विंडो डिफॉगर
        • एंटी लॉक ब्रेकिंग सिस्टम
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.23,46,467*ईएमआई: Rs.52,977
        12.4 किमी/लीटरमैनुअल
        Pay ₹ 2,42,311 more to get
        • एबीएस with esp
        • hill descent control
        • dual और side एयर बैग
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.24,84,639*ईएमआई: Rs.56,046
        11.18 किमी/लीटरऑटोमेटिक
        Pay ₹ 3,80,483 more to get
        • crusie control
        • ऑटोमेटिक ट्रांसमिशन
        • ऑल व्हील ड्राइव

      महिंद्रा सैंग्यॉन्ग रेक्सटन के कंफर्ट यूज़र रिव्यू

      पर बेस्ड10 यूजर रिव्यू
      पॉपुलर Mentions
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      • नई
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      • Critical
      • R
        rohit kumar on Nov 21, 2016
        Car contest
        The car is very good looking and smooth driving and very comfortable sunroof also very good so that we look to outside pickup is very high almost rexton is very excellent car automatic version are so best I like rexton and i love rexton
        और देखें
        10 1
      • A
        amit sinha on Aug 11, 2016
        Ssangyong Rexton AT - A Genuine SUV
        The Rexton is today perhaps one of the most underrated cars amongst is contemporaries ie Fortuner, Ford Endeavour & Mitsubishi's new Pajero. I have test driven on these cars under different driving conditions but I found Rexton AT as most road worthy, dependable & very comfortable car as compare to the above SUVs. I do understand that the initial models of the Rexton had some technical problems which not only created a bad reputation but also drastically brought down the resale value of this vehicle but 2014 onwards Rexton has just transformed into a beautiful SUV overcoming the majority of its earlier technical issues. Although there is still chances of further improvements provided Mahindra pays some close attention to this beautiful machine. If I may be consulted by their technical team I confident that by just implementing my few suggestions this vehicle will rule the roads & will definitely throw out the current market leader of SUV. Feature wise no other SUV of its category is anywhere close to this vehicle. It has a beautiful Mercedes engine which gives enough power to give a very smooth & noiseless ride.  
        और देखें
        8 3
      • H
        harish gopalani on Aug 05, 2013
        Rexton RX7 True Feedback
        Before I proceed I would like to mention that I read almost all reviews & watched all videos of Rexton of all generations across worldwide websites and not just on Indian websites. Off course my first choice was Fortuner but thanks to its long waiting period that gave me the chance to drive Rexton in between and changed my decision forever. Also, I took test drive 4 times of both vehicles before concluding RX7 as my SUV. Also, the Price was never a factor for me to chose Rexton above Fortuner but it does play an important part if we start comparing the features of both SUVs. Look and Style; There is no doubt that RX7 is one of the best looking SUVs available as of today. If you compare it with Fortuner, Captiva or SantaFe. I may only consider Fortuner as the only competitor, however, I chose RX7 coz in my city (Gurgaon, Haryana) every second SUV is Fortuner and I am really sick of its looks, secondly Rexton may not look aggressive like Fortuner but it's bigger than Fortuner & more subtle lines & chrome unlike flashy chromes of Fortuner, that's the only reason RX7 gets all head turns towards it by all Audi, BMW & Fortuner owners off course. LED Lines on headlamp & Tail Lamp make it look extremely stylish at night. I got myself Black colour which indeed suits this SUV really well. The interiors are loaded with features, it's better if you go to the Rexton website and go through them and I will mention the remaining features at the end of this review. My wife travels a lot in Innova as her company's transport facility and when we went for the test drive of Fortuner she could barely make any difference on interiors (No offense to Fortuner owners) and she always wanted me to buy Audi Q3 just because of the looks & interiors however My Idea to buy RX7 was to have a really SUV with good space.  Comfort: It can surely beat any SUV in comfort factor as it has excellent suspension though sometimes you feel they are really soft however I tried this SUV on Jim Corbett jungle drives and it supported really well and trust I didn't have to do much to control it as AWD and excellent suspension did an excellent job. All leather seats are extremely comfortable better than any SUV I have driven so far including BMW X1 which was terrible on a road trip. Yes If we talk about breaking it is very powerful however the soft suspension pushes little in front that makes you feel that brakes are not effective but in reality the brakes are excellent and you actually start enjoying that push once you get used to this SUV.   Pickup:  The only question that kept till the end in my mind after every test drive was the pick up better from its competitors or should I consider 8 seconds time for the total pickup time as it was an AT Diesel. The pick up isn't great for 1-2 seconds however it picks up really well in next couple of seconds. However, if you are in hurry then switching to manual mode takes care of that. This is one feature that can really fun if you wanna zip zap on Indian roads. You can switch gears like Playstation on your steering and have fun while beating others. It's not highlighted by the company on their website but it does bring a lot of fun to this SUV.  Mileage: I won't talk much about mileage as the first service is due on completing 10000KM which is kind of drop back in their service manual. So far I am getting 7-8 in City and 10-11 on highways. Best Features: Countless, however, my favourite are a big sunroof, memorised auto seats, manual gear mode, super advanced cruise control that can be set on incline/decline mode, you can speed up without touching your pedal. Don't need to set the speed again even when you stop completely just cross 40 press the Cruise control and it takes you back to the top speed you set. Highfi audio system, freaking automatic control for every setting you can think off. Once again there is no comparison when it comes to features with Fortuner or any other SUV.. Having said all this, this review is seriously for automatic buyers. If you are looking for Manual drive SUV look for some other review. You can't beat Fortuner manual with Rexton manual. So if you want an AT AWD like an Audi or BMW with all features, go for the Rexton RX7.   Needs to improve: Car keys, old model keys should have been a foldable key or I should say keyless start-stop would have been there, but not a big trouble as such. Overall Experience: So far amazing, once I cross 10K km would again review.
        और देखें
        115 14
      • G
        gurvinder s luthra on Jul 11, 2013
        Loads of issues
        Look and Style looks good   Comfort Comfortable Pickup Slow Mileage Poor Best Features Good highway drive Needs to improve   I bought this vehicle on May 13th 2013. Next day morning I sent out the call to the sales team at NBS Mumbai. List of issues were 1)Car pulling to the left 2)Vibration on the stearing wheel at speeds of 110,120 kmph 3)Bluetooth connectivity not happening 4)Speakers not properly wired thus hampering sound quality 5)Glove box with a black mark and paint pealed off 6)Deep impression on the rear seat at the centre 7)Thud/Jerk while shifting from Reverse-Drive and vice versa in the automatic version 8)Both side door mirrors open and close at different speeds.  The vehicle has been to their Sewri workshop 6-8 times since 13th May causing me loads of Inconvenience and embarrassment.   Amongst the above mentioned points 1,5,6,7 & 8 are still pending as on date. Point nos 1,7 & 8 are termed as acceptable as per their service engineers and there is no mercy for the money spent by me to buy this car. Tiresome........ Request all to please reconsider their decisions if not already bought the vehicle yet.    Overall Experience Poor
        और देखें
        43 7
      • V
        varun on Jun 04, 2013
        Amazing car
        I have been driving RX5 since last month...itz simply amazing...pick, drive, off road capabilities...everythingz amazing...definitely better than fortuner which i think is a bit too overhyped, interiors r d biggest drawback...whereas rexton provides u d overall better package at a decent price...TO SUM UP, I WUD SAY itz d pure LUXURY!!! Look and Style Excellent Comfort Very good Pickup pretty decent Mileage around 12-13 on highway Best Features luxurious interiors, feature packed car...far better than fortuner   Needs to improve nothing so far Overall Experience excellent
        और देखें
        35 4
      • G
        guman on Apr 19, 2013
        Think Thrice Before Buying
        There are few great products that make Mahindra a reputed firm in India, but Rexton is not the finest product they could come with. The SUV lacks in a number of basic features, which is not expected for this price range. I will mark 3.5/5 for this product, but still, there are better options to look for than Rexton. Except for looks, there is nothing that attracts me.  Look and Style - Very Good  Comfort - Very Good  Pickup - Very Good  Mileage - Good   
        और देखें
        19 21
      • S
        sanjay on Apr 16, 2013
        Pros And Cons Of The Rexton
        Look and Style: - Average good looks, not outstanding like a BMW or a Mercedes, The finish is good inside, better than Indian made cars including the Mahindra, the dashboard is not mature sophisticated, it has that tiny looks of a Japanese mid-segment model.    Comfort:  Good on smooth roads, maybe a good vehicle abroad, but on Indian potholed roads and badly uneven roads the vehicle jumps a lot like a Mahindra Scorpio, it could be very uncomfortable for long distances.    Pickup: - Fantastic, great.    Mileage- Don't really know, as we all know what the companies claim are a figment of imagination in India for real road driving.
        और देखें
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      • K
        knowtheauto.com on Oct 21, 2012
        Amazing car for Mahindra's entry to Top-End cars
        Good styling and in some parts better than its competitions in this segment. This car will give tough competition to the pajero and fortuner as it has everything to attaract the buyers. Mahindra's aquisition of Ssangyong has helped mahindra to enter the elite segment which was left untouched by the company till now.  Comfort: Nice seating arrangement and overall space present inside the car. Pricing: The pricing is kept competetive.
        और देखें
        41 12
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